Weekly Weigh In Topic

I started on a Tues so that's what I was planning on doing, but this site is so good about sharing group progress, if you're all interested in sharing the same weekly weigh-in day, it might be a nice accountability/reward boost to the whole group. Thoughts? What is your weigh-in day?

I'm going to weigh in once a month. I find that is better for me mentally, because weekly fluctuations really do my head in. I'm thinking perhaps first day of the month.

I have been weighing in on Saturday thus far. I am open to a group day of the week.

PizzaPie, that is smart! Anything that gets in your head like that can derail you. I used to struggle with that so much because my weight fluctuations around my cycle were so unpredictable and it drove me nuts because I never knew if it was real weight change or due to my cycle!

Oh my goodness PizzaPie that is some self control right there! I probably hit around 2-3 times a week because I just can't help myself. I try to aim for the same time of day on the same day of the week for an "official" weekly though I already messed that up today!

I currently use Sun first thing. Totally get it PizzaPie, I am trying to break the habit of weighing daily as it is so detrimental to me. If the scales are down I think I can have a treat if they are up I think whats the point and have a treat.
I do shift work so I my day may fluctuate if I am coming of nights but will make it as close to Sun as possible.

Bit disappointed with todays weigh in. Really thought would see some good movement. Holding onto the fact that mentally I feel better. At a spa day today so good for relax but harder to track food, although they tend to create good choices.
Happy Easter Sunday everyone hope your week has been kind 🥰

I also had a bit of a disappointing weigh in on Easter weekend, despite a solidly "on track" week. But today's weigh in saw the needle moving again. I used to let this sort of thing really mess me u[. But now I am focused on my commitment to log accurately and I keep reminding myself that I can control my eating choices, but I can't control my body's response!

Today has been a good weigh in. Nice to finish what has been a good week in all aspects of my life on a high!! Hope you are all doing well

Weekly Weigh In