Weekly Workout Check-In Topic

Hi! we talked about doing a check-in to help motivate one another to workout so I made a new topic for it.

I'll go first I guess. I try and make it a goal to do a body weight calisthenics workout ever other day. I'm pretty good with that for the most part, unless my knee is still bugging me, for the workout before.

I also want to ride my bike at least on the strength training off days. I've been having trouble with this, but bugs me since I was a daily rider for years. My knee was injured in a bike crash summer 2011 and it's been hard getting back into the habit. That's what I really need to work on.

My goal is to burn at-least 200 calories a day. Most days I strive to do more but I always keep with that baseline. Currently, since we are having wonderful spring weather in winter, I have been running 2mi. a day. Hopefully once the sun starts to rise earlier I can get an additional 2 mi. run in each day before work. Currently a 2mi. run burns about 290 calories for me. If you don't have one I recommend getting a calorie monitoring watch. I love mine and it helps a lot for measuring the calories you burn. I currently use a Timex T5J041, and there are similar models in both mens and womens. Today I just finished my 2 mi. run and clocked in at 20min. 32s. Which is better than my first run a month ago at 23min. 42s. So some definite improvement. :) Hoping to get under 20min. soon.

My check-in 3/10 -3/17

3/10 - 2mi. run, and 4mi. hike
3/11 - 4mi. hike
3/12 - 2mi. run
3/13 - Nothing :( worked late
3/14 - 2mi. run
3/15 - 2 mi. run
3/16 - 2 mi. run
3/17 - 2 mi. run (plan on hiking too)

Dang, time is moving quickly.

The first week 3/10-3/17 I got in three body weight workouts and one bike ride

This week, I've been sick so mostly focusing on getting well over putting more stress on my body. I was feeling pretty good last night though and went out dancing. So that was an hour of continuous aerobic sweating. Planning on at least one bike ride over the weekend.

My check-in 3/18 - 3/24

Had a real rough week, not sure why was just really down all week and really did not do much exercise which probably contributed to the depression. I did try running a few times but my knee was really bugging me and I would end up walking. I did hike for an hour today and ran 2 mi. last night. Hopefully that will kick start me to get back on my routine.

This week I got some good miles in on the bike, but I'm still getting back in the habit of my body weight workout post sickness.

I had a much better week this week. I ran 2 mi. every night Monday through Friday. Yesterday and today I hiked 4 mi. each.

Keep up the good work Wouterra.

You too Csfergu!

Alright, I'm back to regular 3 times a week body weight workouts!

Weekly Workout Check-In