Weighing Myself. Topic

How often and what is the best time of day to weigh in? Also I struggle with being constipated. I'm trying to increase my water intake and eat plenty of vegetables but are there more naturals ways of getting regular than using laxatives to shift any bowel blockage? Thank you

Sauerkraut (the fermented kind) Bulgarian yogurt, fermented blueberries (homemade) and if it’s really bad Share Original Fermented Apricot (Prune Plum) (Amazon)

Hi CityGirl129,

Most experts recommend weighing daily, first thing in the morning. It really depends on how it impacts your motivation and progress. Here is an article on how often to weigh that you may find useful.


For constipation, are you drinking plenty of water and eating a high-fiber diet? You can easily track your water intake using the water glass icon on the dashboard. It is to the left of the apple on the dashboard. Many people find a daily intake of bran cereal, chia seeds, pears, or prunes are particularly helpful for regularity. Here are some articles you may find useful.




Hope this helps! Brenda (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Something I’ve learned to do is chew my food until it is nearly liquid. Really helps out the bowels, plus our precious meals last longer :) i used to eat 2 prunes every morning, don’t need to do that any more. Best wishes!

I weigh 1st thing most mornings but I don’t put it in the app until i drop a pound. Weight really fluctuates and I’m determined not to make myself crazy over it!

Hi CityGirl129-
I hope this note finds you doing well! Have you seen this expert article? I think you may find it helpful: https://www.mynetdiary.com/weight-loss-and-constipation.html
Please keep us updated on your progress~ Best, Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Weigh yourself in the morning, after completing bowel movement. Step on the scale without clothing. These steps will ensure consistent and accurate results.

For your poo problems I suggest coffee in the morning.. that always gets me going

Or weigh in the morning, record it on paper then, when you think that you will do a bowl movement, weigh before then weigh after, take difference and subtract it from your first in the morning weight.

Weighing Myself.