Weight Avengers Topics

Just a great supportive group of friends here to encourage, exchange ideas and help one another meet our weight loss and health goals.All posting might say it didn't post, but it really did, so please do not post duplicates. _____________ Remember to consult with your doctor before starting any exercise or weight loss regimen! _____________

Weight Loss Progress

22 members lost 4.4lbs within last week, 12.7lbs within last month, total loss is 307lbs.
2 members exercised and burned together 543cals within last 24 hours.
U1186962210 succeeded with personal food calorie plan within last 24 hours.
U1186962210 and U1192311837 exceeded personal exercise plan within last 24 hours.

This thing doesn't alert me anywhere if you post, reply or message so 1 messages

Last message on 02/07/22 by AnnaChristine: Just be patient I will eventually see it and answer back :-) Anna

Ensure Max Protein Vs Equate Max Protein (Chocolate) 1 messages

Last message on 02/03/22 by AnnaChristine: Walmart ran out of their 12 Equate Chocolate Max Protein, so I got Ensure thinking it was the same. For the most part, it is the same minus a few calories and sugar, however, Equate is thicker, more chocolate tasting and more filling than the...

Weight Avengers. Just a great supportive group of friends here to encourage, exchange ideas and help one another meet our weight loss and health goals.All posting might say it didn't post, but it really did, so please do not post duplicates. _____________ Remember to consult with your doctor before starting any exercise or weight loss regimen! _____________