Weight Loss, Alcohol, Weight Gain, and Motivation Topic

Hi everyone! I just joined this group. I hope you don't mid if I share how my weight loss journey is going, because I'm looking for insight.

End of April I start at 5'2 weighting 173 lbs. I start working out once a day, maybe every other day, I cut out drinking everyday (I know, bad that it was that bad), I stopped eating loads of sweets (I have a horrible sweet tooth. I can eat a thing of Oreos in a day, or 3 donuts in one sitting), I was only intaking 1200 calories a day. I lost 20 Lbs in about 2 months. I felt freaking awesome!

So, the lightest I weighed was 149 in July. I went on vacation in the beginning of august, and even started " pre gaming" before hand. Meaning drinking more than 2x a week, falling into my bad eating habits and not working out. When I went on vacation is what game over. I am probably drink 500-700 cals of alcohol 4x a week, at least.

I am now back up to 157 ( a round about guess), and feel so bad about myself.

I guess my question is, I can I drink moderately, maybe once a week and still have weight loss??? I feel so defeated. How do I get back on my journey? I am okay with drinking now, as I have put it at a halt, but I know it wont last forever.

I was so excited with my results. Now I just feel like it wasn't even worth it in the first place to lose any considering I have gained that much back.

Thanks for listening to my rant.

Also, I should add my target weight goal is 130Lbs by the end of the year, but now that I've messed up I cant foresee that happening.

I am also 5'2. I am looking to loose another 18 pounds which is a lot for me.

Weight Loss, Alcohol, Weight Gain, and Motivation