Weight Loss Plateau After Break Topic

I got married in August and had to stop my exercise program for about 1.5 months so my dress wouldn’t fall off. I went back to work late August/Early September, but I have been going all over the place with my weight. I keep going up & down within 5-7lbs of my (current) goal. It seems impossible to at least stay at one weight. Should I turn off the feature that gives me extra calories for the amount I burn? Also, I’m going on my honeymoon soon and I know my calories will increase. Do you have any advice?

I have lumps of (what my doctor says is) calcium accumulating on my knees. Am I being too hard on them?

Hello Teganoid-Congrats on getting married! What an exciting time in your life:) First off, I would suggest you make an appt with your doctor to discuss the lumps accumulating in your knees. I am not a doctor (I am a Registered Dietitian/Diabetes Educator). Good idea to get these types of things checked out, even if they turn out to be no big deal. As for your turning off the extra calories you burn, this is totally up to you. What about this: Try it for a week and see how you feel, see what your weight does. It depends on how many calories you are getting added back from exercise, and naturally what type of exercise you are doing. As for your honeymoon: Enjoy it! Try to do something active every day and listen to your body. If you are eating high fat/high sugar foods all the time and drinking too much alcohols, my guess is, you won't feel too great. Let me know if you have any other questions. Joanna

Weight Loss Plateau After Break