Weight loss with calorie counting Topics

Weight loss journey with calorie counting!

Weight Loss Progress

12 members lost no weight within last week, 4.8lbs within last month, total loss is 101.5lbs.

Day 2 1 messages

Last message on 06/09/22 by JessicaH: Today went well again! Was beautiful outside (24 celsius) and was able to spend a lot of time outdoors! 1599/1600 calories 6.15 kms walked….12511 steps 96 oz water

Day 1!! 2 messages

Last message on 06/08/22 by JessicaH: 1598/1600 calories 96 oz water 4.68 kms walked

Let the journey begin! 1 messages

Last message on 06/07/22 by JessicaH: June 8, 2022 marks day 1 of my weight loss journey using calorie counting!! I am super excited to start working towards a healthier life!

Weight loss with calorie counting. Weight loss journey with calorie counting!