Welcome! Topic

I'm not sure if anyone is going to join this, but if you're here - WELCOME and I am glad for it! I have been a yo-yo dieter since middle school, though this year I hit an all-time, non-pregnancy high. I know how to lose weight, but often need help with motivation. I also recently registered for Healthy Wage, and I am committed to meeting my goal by January so I can get that cold cash prize and pay for some new skinny jeans! :D

Hi Lainey! I am new to this site and you are the first group I joined. I have been a yo-yo dieter also but I was healthy at my weights. Middle age came along and WOW I was not prepared at all. Now I want to get healthy and reach my healthy weight.

Zillow group my IDs Lady of d that stands for d and diamonds I'm 62 years old and I just started would love great tips hope everyone is doing well

Since most of the other groups are have older posts, I thought I'd join this one. I lost 30lbs a year or so ago, and then have been stable since then. I find it easier to lose in the fall/winter, so I'm going to try this again, and hope to drop another 25-30lb by New Years. We'll see...

Well, I have started again, and am doing fairly well in the 1st 3 days. It's hard to get measuring everything again, and getting into an exercise routine. One day at a time....
