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4. Introduce yourself and your goals in the introductions post, so we can be supportive of you.

I’m Sandi. I work semi part-time, homeschool my son, and am a wife. We have 2 cats and a dog. Weight wise I’d like to get to 200lbs, at that point we’ll see. Short term I’d like to get out of the 300’s. I keep getting close, and then I’ll sabotage myself. Consistent motivation is a definite problem. I’m great at encouraging others, but not myself.

Making mistakes is a part of life. It's not one or two days of messing up that is bad for you. It is constantly messing up by going way over your calorie plan. Have you tried more protein? I get stress hunger late at night so they told me to add 20g protein per meal and it works.

I messed up big time today I went over 272 calories. PMS and my stressful appointment today were all a part of that struggle.

Did you know all your housework, running around with the kids, errands, grocery shopping and everything count? And if you turn on the exercise calorie budget you can break even.

The biggest part for me has been not keeping candy in the house. I still have sweet stuff but they are rice rolls and literally 80 calories per HUGE roll.

I know a lot of people say stay away from Pasta too, so I switched to rice.


I’m Stacia and I’m working on taking care of myself first, so that I can take care of others. That mindset is definitely a work in progress. Squeezing in time for me after I’m done taking care of anything and everyone else has been impossible. Time to put the focus on me and my needs first! I work full time (and beyond) have 2 dogs, a cat, 8 chickens, a husband, 4 children ages 15-32 and 5 grandchildren. I’m busy!

Hi Stacia,
You sound as busy as I used to be when my kids were growing up. To bed at 2am and up at 5am. Something has to give and as a friend of mine finally told her kids they had to take a season off sports and that between 3pm and 3:30pm was for herself each day. They were unhappy at first, but they eventually understood. I soon followed her idea and bought myself time, but it was and is an effort to put myself first.

Even 10 minutes a day is good. 10 minutes of total quiet. My mom used to call the bathroom her office as she said it was the only place she wasn't bothered, lol

Another friend got in the car and spent 10 minutes to himself before driving home each day.

If you are creative you can recapture some of the time.


Also saw your blog post. You are being too hard on yourself. The life you lead is a busy one and all you do from grocery shopping to cleaning the house is considered exercise which burns calories.

My dad is in his 70's and has been athletic since he was 16. I used to be hourglass figure and then raised children and all went downhill from there. You just have to adjust what you consider exercise as it all counts. Plus if you turn on calorie exercise you can get those calories back if you need them.

Everyone has different motivators. Mine here is the grade of foods and so now when I go to the store I use the app to scan and get A foods or at home before I eat. I also like the calorie budget and have noticed I can mess up a day or two, but never the calories I was intaking and still losing weight. I also use 20g protein a meal and that helps.

And women have cortisol in their bodies which is activated by stress, so be careful to monitor your stress levels and don't be too hard on yourself as it is not one day of messing up eating that is the problem it is all the time of doing it.


Hi All,
I am Janice (J/Jan). 43 F in Smyrna, GA (Atlanta metro). I have lots of reasons to be here; better health, lose weight, become more active, and better quality of life. My partner (M47) have a house and we have 2 large dogs and 3 cats. They are EVERYTHING (big pet/animal lovers)!

I have gone through several diagnostic tests over the last year and a half for a chronic fever and slightly elevated white blood cell count. I have a fantastic PCP, and team of other physicians that I work with (Gyno, Nephrologist, Infections Disease Doc, and now a team at the overall Wellness Center). I started with the Wellness Center yesterday 2/21/22 (on the referral of my PCP). I am anxious (lol - that is my way). I met with an NP yesterday afternoon; got weighed and measured then they did a body composition analyzer (so cool). They gave me a bunch of homework and have me set up to meet with different specialist at the Wellness center. Monday I have an appointment with the Psychologist and appointment with the Nutritionist. In about a month, I will meet with the Physiologist for exercise tips. Then in May (roughly 12 weeks out) I will see the NP again to see how things are going.

I am excited, nervous, anxious - any and all of the above. I also look forward to interacting with you all and giving some support. This stuff is hard.

A little extra about me; divorced about 13 years ago. No children of my own; aunt to 5 boys and 2 girls - ranging from 15 to 4. My Mom is diabetic with a below knee amputation two years ago. It has been a huge wake up call and now I am ready to start taking care of myself. That being said - I love food; especially the unhealthy stuff.

Thanks for reading - let's do this!

Yeah I struggle with the bad and comfort foods as well. I noticed after removing real sugar from my diet things got a little easier in that department. I love chocolate, but the real sugar in it causes the sugar monster to wake up and then for weeks I have trouble controlling myself.

I just wrote a nice post in the 40's something group about the two methods of weight loss I tested and which one is better. I think you might really be encouraged to read what I learned. I know I am and the success I am having is amazing without losing everything I love food wise.

P.S. You have really been through a lot and are on the right path for better health all around.

Ana, sorry I didn’t know you replied. And I had no idea these other posts were here!! I’ll log in later tonight and do an update.

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