What's for dinner at your place?? Topic

Socca is on my list. I've done recipes with garbanzo beans before and liked them (Falafels, hummus, etc.). It wouldn't have worked for me the other night as I really wanted a toasted cheese sandwich. Unfortunately I didn't want the carbs from the bread.

I've been looking for a good no/reduced carb bread recipe. So far all of the ones I've tried have been too eggy. They are like a really bad souffle rather than bread. I've a couple more to try over the weekend.

Thanks for the thought.

I've found it's better for me to have a little of the real stuff of anything than to do with a substitute that doesn't quite make the mark. Ever had one of those days where you wanted something but didn't know what it was? And you keep eating different things until you realize what it is you're really craving? Then a single good bite is usually all it takes to satisfy me. I always regret the wasted calories!

Lucky for me I never acquired the taste for alcohol, so all my calories can go toward food (oh, and lightly sweetened tea).

I'll have to check out your spaghetti sauce ... I was making mine from scratch, but the last few times it just didn't turn out. So I went back to the jarred stuff. I wish food manufacturers were required to clearly label added sugar! Some of those spaghetti sauces have as much sugar as a couple of donuts!

The "pancake" type of socca tastes more like a type of focaccia to me ... That might ease your grilled cheese craving. I like the crunchy kind because I so miss corn bread the way my family fixed it -- a thin oven baked "pone." I'm out of garbanzo bean flour, which is hard to get around here, but I'll be in a town tomorrow that has a store that carries it.

Tonight will be black eyed peas, rice, turnip greens and grilled pork chops. I'll slice a tomato to go with it.

Dinner tonight - chicken enchiladas, salad, and likely water or 1% milk.

My version of Simply Colorado's Cortez Chicken Enchiladas:

1 cup chopped onion
1 cup chopped sweet pepper
1 can (4 oz) chopped green chilis (best is the freshly roasted chili peppers if you have them)
1/2 cup sodium-free chicken broth (or reduced sodium)
2 cups good quality green chili sauce (use mild or medium according to taste)
1 teaspoon chili pepper
1/2 teaspoon chipotle chili pepper
1/2 teaspoon freshly grated black pepper
2 cloves garlic
1 lb cooked chicken, shreded or chopped
12 corn tortillas or whole wheat tortillas
1 cup shredded part-skim mozzarella cheese

Preheat oven 375F.
Spray oil shallow baking dish (I use Pyrex rectangle type)
Combine onion, green pepper, green chilis, chicken broth, and 1/2 cup enchilada sauce in large nonstick skillet, cook for 5 minutes.
Add chili powders, pepper, garlic, and chicken.
Mix well, cover and simmer for another 5 minutes.
Spread 1/3 cup mixture lengthwise on each tortilla, roll, and place seam down on baking dish.
Pour remaining enchilada sauce over tortillas.
Sprinkle with shredded cheese.
Bake for 20 minues or until top is slightly browned.

Buy rotisserie chicken and remove all skin. Use chicken breast.
Chipotle chili powder is awesome and available in most supermarkets.
If you don't have chicken, any lean meat works well in this dish. I have even used leftover tilapia!
Keep the sodium down by choosing your broth and tortillas carefully.

Nine hundred forty seven calories. That's what I had for dinner tonight.

For some reason I had a serious hankering for a big 'ole cheeseburger. So, on the way home I stopped by the superstore/grocery and bought two 1/2 lb. patties and the lightest, lowest carb whole grain bun on the shelf (22g/bun). Cheese, tomato, mustard and lettuce rounded out the sandwich.

It was lovely.

Gracious! A lotta meat! However...you went with a whole grain bun, and you fixed it at home, so your sodium and added sugar was probably reasonable. Sometimes ya just gotta have a treat. :)

Tonight we were supposed to have pan fried flounder with oven roasted broccoli and oven roasted tomatoes. However DH is campaigning to take us out for pizza. Sigh.

That means over 600 calories for two slices, not to mention the sodium levels will be off the charts. I could try to be good and have one slice of pizza, but it never fills me up.

Oh, well. I ate leftovers for lunch -- black eyed peas and turnip greens, so at least I won't completely bust my calories for the day.

Are there rules for dinner?

I like to keep in the house.

Bag of onions
Sweet potatoes
Lettuce leaf of some kind (filler)
Bell peppers
Chicken thigh boneless skinless
90/10 beef
great salts and peppers

Just alway want to be ready for cooking and grilling.
yes more greens i know.

Hi Folks, I don't set rules for dinner per se, but I do try to enter dinner ahead of time if I am having a higher caloric meal (and then adjust lunch and snacks). K8SsMom2002, sounds like you did that.

If you do take out pizza, you could do 1 slice and then add a protein to your salad. I sometimes do that. 600 kcal for 2 slices if that is your entire meal is reasonable for take out though.

Dinner tonight - likely skinned rotisserie chicken leg, leftover scalloped potatoes (healthier version in freezer from holiday), and 2x serving of sauted spinach. Some travel this weekend so I'm trying to use up frig contents. Berries for dessert and maybe 1/2 cup churned low fat van ice cream.

What's for dinner at your place??