What's New in the News from Dietitian Topic

Welcome Donna!


Hi Everyone, I am back from vacation! Thanks to Donna Feldman, MS, RD ("Dietician") for answering forum posts while I was away.

I will make my way through forum to answer any outstanding questions. Hope everyone is doing well!

Kathy Isacks, MPS, RD, CDE

Welcome back Kathy...hope your vacation was great!


Thanks, Susan! Great to be back.

This is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you so much!

Interesting interview with Marion Nestle (NYU Nutrition Professor & Author) - thanks to Donna Feldman, MS, RD for this one! Here's the link: http://blog.mynetdiary.com/post/28409870478/why-calories-count-interview-with-marion-nestle

Kathy Isacks, MPS, RD, CDE

Be an Olympian (Kind of) with Simple Sports Nutrition - read Ryan's new post at MyNetDiary's blog: http://blog.mynetdiary.com/post/28580673588/be-an-olympian-kind-of-with-simple-sports


Kathy Isacks, MPS, RD, CDE

Do you all know that we post twice a week on MyNetDiary's blog? Last week:
Reading food labels (Ryan http://blog.mynetdiary.com/post/29084300309/details-details-its-what-matters-when-dieting)
Managing stress & calories: http://blog.mynetdiary.com/post/28917397918/manage-stress-to-help-you-manage-calories


Kathy Isacks, MPS, RD, CDE

Diabetes Resources - 2 articles published on the main website now and of course, the nifty Diabetes Tracker app for iPhone and the web program! Check it out in my post: http://blog.mynetdiary.com/post/29417249852/diabetes-resources-at-mynetdiary-diabetes-tracker


Kathy Isacks, MPS, RD, CDE

Hi Everyone, Donna Feldman, MS, RD ("Dietician") is covering forum for me between Thursday 8/16 - Tuesday 8/21. She has expertise in a number of areas, including food allergies, eating disorders, disordered eating, pregnancy/lactation. Please take advantage of her expertise and ask her questions on "Ask a Dietitian" forum topic!

Kathy Isacks, MPS, RD, CDE

What's New in the News from Dietitian