What's New in the News from Dietitian Topic

A new study has some encouraging news for MND users. The study found that people who use computer-based weight loss interventions lose more weight at 6 months compared to people who just read diet materials. Computer-based interventions were also better at preventing weight re-gain. The only thing that worked better was weekly in-person meetings with a weight loss expert. Of course, that can be expensive and inconvenient. So monitoring calories and weight when web-based applications like My Net Diary is effective and convenient.

Donna P Feldman MS RD

My blog post on Binge Eating Disorder is up today on the My Net Diary website. Several forum members have talked about their own experiences with this difficult problem recently. Binge eating is not just a matter of poor self control. There seems to be a biological basis, and some therapy approaches can help people control the triggers.
Donna P Feldman MS RD

Need healthy lunch ideas for your kids & for you? Check out guest blogger, Martha Henze, MS, RD's post at MyNetDiary's blog: http://blog.mynetdiary.com/post/30397418765/beyond-peanut-butter-and-jelly-sandwiches-guest


Kathy Isacks, MPS, RD, CDE

Question about salt intake: I do by best to reduce salt in what I eat (it is nearly impossible), and MyNetDiary complains a lot about my salt intake.
Now, I exercise (and sweat) a lot - 10hrs at c.80% MHR per week) - can I make any allowance for all that sweating?

Sodium intake - absolutely, Sothach, you can modify your goal to be a bit higher. I use 2300 mg - the higher goal. The default is 1500 mg to be consistent with the IOM's DRI's and Dietary Guidelines for Americans. But I don't like that goal, I think it is way too low for most people to reasonably achieve. Most folks will do just fine on 2300 mg. So, go ahead and change your goal, especially if you are physically active and have your blood pressure under control!

You might find my older post on sodium from 11/16/10 helpful: http://blog.mynetdiary.com/post/1592099493/the-new-sodium-guideline-did-you-know-that-the

Kathy Isacks, MPS, RD, CDE

New posts at MND - 80/20 rule for weight loss, fave recent posts, and weight resistance training! Check them out here: http://blog.mynetdiary.com/

Also, did you know that MND is on Pinterest now? Here we are: http://pinterest.com/mynetdiary/?d

Kathy Isacks, MPS, RD, CDE

Do you have diabetes and use insulin? Here are tips for reducing pain with insulin injections (MyNetDiary blog): http://blog.mynetdiary.com/post/32269348574/tips-for-reducing-pain-with-insulin-injections

Kathy Isacks, MPS, RD, CDE

Are you an intuitive eater? Read more about this at MyNetDiary's blog: http://blog.mynetdiary.com/post/32741386965/principles-of-intuitive-eating-i-am-always


Kathy Isacks, MPS, RD, CDE

In case any of you are confused about this, when I travel I have a colleague cover forum for me. My nickname is "Dietitian" whereas "Dietician" is my colleague, Donna P Feldman, MS, RD.

Thanks to Donna for covering forum for the past 4 days!

Kathy Isacks, MPS, RD, CDE

Interesting article on energy expenditure from The Washington Post: http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/obesity-researchers-study-thin-people-for-clues-about-hunger-and-metabolism/2012/07/02/gJQAV5XTIW_story.html


Kathy Isacks, MPS, RD, CDE

What's New in the News from Dietitian