What motivates you? Topic

I was wondering if there are any active members of this team, and if so, maybe this would be a nice chance to share some tips about what motivates us?

I have found a few motivational things helpful.

1. I have a photo of myself at my goal weight on the wall next to my elliptical machine, and when I feel like quitting a workout early, that picture helps remind me about the goal that I'm working so hard toward.

2. I also find that tracking my weight loss on a chart is motivating (once I start losing, that is) - the visual chart showing that I have made progress helps me keep up the momentum to continue making the right choices.

3. A third thing for me: the Biggest Loser. I find that show really inspirational and always feel like working out during or after watching. Sometimes I hear Jillian's voice (yelling!) in my head when I feel tired or feel like I want to stop earlier than my workout goal. That always keeps me going just a little bit.

Hi! I need motivation, so i decided i'd give a little. And im new to the site , so im kinda amped LOL!

~one thing did was get my favorite jeans that are waaaaay to small now, and make it a goal to get back into them.

~second ive started counting calories.

~third i stand in the mirror and observe myself and motivate myself to get the flab off my tummy.

~finally! i signed up of this site!! LOL

Good morning all. Motivation is so hard to maintain, so thought I'd give this group a go. Excellent points Mslynn.

I'll try a give a little also.

-Try and take baby steps. We are making lifestyle changes- so -commite to making a permanent change each week. Week one could be -not eating after 8 pm. Week two - making sure you get in your 8 glasses of water a day. Etc.

Work on each change faithfully and then add another change and make it permanent.

Hoping I can give as much to this group as I take.


Thanks JMS it all helps

Great tips! I am new here,too. I like the small baby steps mentioned! I will be coming back often to read these posts for support!

Just joined and thought I give my pointers as well :)

The one thing that REALLY motivates me is when people ask if I've lost weight! I LOVE it! Especially when it's my mother. That feeling can keep me going for a while and when it wears of I push myself to lose more weight before I see her again, so I get to hear "Did you lose (more) weight, you look great!" again :D

If I look at my skinny pictures, I feel that I can lose all this 50 lbs.

What motivates you?