Why are there SOOOOO many groups/teams etc that are inactive. Topic

Will talk in the group
I am not really over weight
I go the gym and do a physical job
But we all need to loose bad fat
And I have loved the knowledge off calories protein carbs
And it gets me cooking

I feel your pain Gtman63 in regards to getting no response when posting in a group or thread.
@Blue_Pavey, I was not bring rude, I was simply expressing my frustration. You weren't exactly kind in your comment.

For the reply
So I can be seen KT10
Yer it’s not very good the social app side
Question and answer section
Does not work
Fast on google

Ha now it’s gone through 4 times

I just found the social side of the app. I enjoy the app and it does help me. The social part will keep me focused!

Why are there SOOOOO many groups/teams etc that are inactive.