Why are there SOOOOO many groups/teams etc that are inactive. Topic

I’m new to the social side of this. It appears very few people currently use the social section. The few topics I relate too have a couple recent posts I chime in and get……crickets. Nada, I must say this is the part I was looking forward to and am totally disappointed. I can just track calories for free. I feel duped and that annoys me. Thanks for nothing

I look at the social side as well.
Kind of bummed myself.

Maybe we can figure it out and get more people to join in. I’m am still trying to figure out how to get around in the social part. I have a #1 on social but it doesn’t matter where I click, it doesn’t go away.

Then just do that ya don’t have to have a fit bc of it and damn ya don’t need to be so rude

It’s possible that a lot of users on this app are unaware of the social section. I was until today! This is great news though for whoever wants to engage w/the weight loss process. Hi! My name is Amber, and I am on a long winded journey in hopes to lose 100lbs with the help of this app! I log daily and religiously. Whomever wants to join me, feel free 😇. Let’s be friends.

This is my first time seeing the social side. I’m honestly very busy but I’m always looking for new ways to new my desire to push to reach my goals. I could really use a couple friends.

Good morning friends. I’m new here and loving this app. My name is Leah and I have 40 pounds to lose. If I can’t bring down my cholesterol I’ll have to go on meds and I don’t want to do that!
Happy Sunday!

Welcome SSizemore, Amber, Leah and JesDon. I'm so happy to see you responding. Amber, I too am on the long haul journey of 100lbs. I've been on cholesterol meds for many years. Regrettably mine is familial and diet does very little to change it.
I've found using the social side works better if you log in to the website. I've read they are working on the social aspect on the app. There are thousands of post going back as far as 2010. Not sure why those don't get achieved. Oh well. I hope you all have a wonderful day!

Do any of you want to join a motivation group? SSizemore, I know that you had responded positively several weeks ago. I have a list of about eight names. It is just a matter of consistently staying on top of personal challenges and successes we encounter snd offering support and encouragement with snd for one another.

Hi guys
I have posted blogs /?
And no response
It’s like I am talking to myself
Nothing new ha
If you can see this blog
Can you just nod

Yes I talk in the group

Why are there SOOOOO many groups/teams etc that are inactive.