Working out and hunger Topic

I am trying to master reducing caloric intake for a while before I workout too much. In the past I found that intense working out made me much hungrier, which led to increased eating (aka overeaters like myself reward with food and working out is a reward-based activity), and I would become discouraged by that. This time I would like to simply go on a 30-45 minute walk a day and periodically do some yoga at home. I was imagining I would keep it simple with mostly a calorie control method until I reach the halfway mark (goal is to lose 40 lbs. by Christmas 2018) then ramp up physical activity. Anyone have feedback about this approach?

Hi, Zasosara. Yes, when you work out your body is using glycogen, or carbohydrate source,. But if your glycogen gets low, your body starts pulling sugar from your blood for energy. As a result, after a workout your body demands more energy fuel that only carbs bring and so you get super hungry. I find that eating a pre-workout protein-friendly snack about 30 minutes before helps me with the post-workout hunger. But if I eat something heavy, I actually get nauseous during a workout. So I choose from a low-carb yogurt with a teaspoon of muesli, a hardboiled egg, or I drink an Atkins shake. This really helps and I find I no longer devour anything within reach after I workout. By the way, I also workout everyday, from interval running/walking on the treadmill to swimming laps to pilates and yoga to Zumba and others. All of these are intense exercises and can build up an appetite, but when I eat (or drink) a pre-workout snack, I'm not hungry after my workout. Also, don't forget to hydrate! Sometimes, when we think we're hungry, we're actually thirsty due to dehydration. Drink lots of water, especially when your workouts are intense. I hope this helps, and happy working out! Lots of luck to you!

My crucial time for food is dinner time. I get home from work about 6.30 and I'm really hungry (or at least I think I am). I am making myself go for my run as soon as I get in, which seems to kill the hunger temporarily. Then when I get back I shower and make dinner so I am effectively instantly rewarding the calorie burn with a planned meal when I am at my hungriest but it's still only my planned calorie intake.

I am a boredom eater so it's always a challenge being anywhere and reaching for food. I am easily bored despite being busy. Food is never far from my mind. I am learning to fill the gap with exercise where I can but it's not often possible because of work routines. I fill perceived hunger at work with water, I aim for my 8 glasses a day and I find tea also helps fill me up between meals.

The less you eat the less you want and your stomach shrinks so as I go along I guess this will become easier and I guess most of my hunger is psychological because I have my 3 meals a day. I never skip meals because then I will binge another time.

Hi Folks, I think we each have to create an eating plan and schedule that works best for us. Personally, I can't work out when I am too hungry because I get dizzy. I almost always have a healthy snack of fresh fruit & protein before a hard workout, especially if my last meal was more than 2 hours ago. If I had a really large meal, I might not need the snack.

I also agree that in the summer especially, we can sometimes conflate thirst and hunger. Staying hydrated in hot weather can help us feel better, support activity, and make it less likely we'll splurge on ice cream or sweetened beverages.

There are some blog posts on food & exercise if folks are interested:

Have a great weekend, everyone!
Kathy (Dietitian)

Any thoughts about following an 80/20 plan

Hi Lisa. I eat basically what I like but stick to 1300 cals a day. If I want a donut I have one but eat really well the rest of day. I think 80/20 is good for life balance.

Hi Jessica,
I was thinking of trying that. I've lost a total of 55 lbs and have been basically weight training for a year. I'm almost to my goal weight, and have to admit I'm getting a little nervous about keeping it off, if I'm going to be successful. I love sugar and feel I haven't completely eliminated those cravings. That's what made me think about the 80/20. A balance is what I feel I need.

Hi Lisabarbieri and Jessicahamilton,

Check out this blog that Martha, one of the MyNetDiary RDs, wrote on the 80/20 rule. It is a good strategy for many people.

You may also find this article helpful for giving you confidence about weight maintenance, when you reach that point.

If you enjoy sweets, you should definitely fit it in your calorie allotment using smart strategies for portion control that work for you!

Hope this helps! Brenda (Dietitian)

Thank you
I was thinking of starting a blog about the 80/20daily and share my stats

Good morning Lisabarbieri,

That sounds like a great idea! You could also post your progress here in forum by starting a new thread called 80/20 plan. Let me know if you want MyNetDiary to start the thread.
You could inspire others, get support from the dietitians and the MyNetDiary community while having some accountability!

Working out and hunger