Your Genetic Health Topics

As a nation and a global economy we have built our views of Health, Diet and Exercise on the foundation of poor science and inadequate business decisions, which has lead to very unhealthy communities in this country and around the world. Diet and Health is based on Genetics and not on the “one-thing-fits-all” dogma nonsense we are fed everyday. Mother nature has her ways of testing all species, and we have moved away from listening to what our individual genetics are telling us, genetic mismatch of food with the individual leads more than too obesity. By not consuming the foods genetically suited to “you” your body treats them like foreign invaders, and as a nation we are seeing increased symptoms of heart disease, obesity, cancer, alzheimer's and the list goes on. There is no better place to start to change the world outlook on Health and Diet than starting with yourself and your family.

Diet and Exercise 1 messages

Last message on 07/11/16 by ProWino: Find the food for your genetic type and just take a walk, it will change your Life. Finding the right foods takes some time and testing, but your health and your families health is worth it.

Hello? 1 messages

Last message on 10/10/12 by A.S.: Hi. It looks like this group is no longer active. I've been looking for local people for accountability, so I thought I'd check in. I'm actually from San Jose. Love to hear from you if you're still looking for group members.

Your Genetic Health. As a nation and a global economy we have built our views of Health, Diet and Exercise on the foundation of poor science and inadequate business decisions, which has lead to very unhealthy communities in this country and around the world. Diet and Health is based on Genetics and not on the “one-thing-fits-all” dogma nonsense we are fed everyday. Mother nature has her ways of testing all species, and we have moved away from listening to what our individual genetics are telling us, genetic mismatch of food with the individual leads more than too obesity. By not consuming the foods genetically suited to “you” your body treats them like foreign invaders, and as a nation we are seeing increased symptoms of heart disease, obesity, cancer, alzheimer's and the list goes on. There is no better place to start to change the world outlook on Health and Diet than starting with yourself and your family.