Yusefbobo Personal Blog

About me

Current goal: To hit 145 before the end of November
Favorite diets: Chicken
Favorite activities: Walking, skating, swimming,
Need help with: Idk taking less cheat days
Geographic area: Idk
More info: Used to be 215 now I’m 166.4, I was in in a deficit of 1800 now I’m on a more strict budget of 1000

Yusefbobo personal page

Why am I gaining weight even though I’ve been staying in my deficit and getting my 10k steps in 1 messages

Last message on 08/22/23 by Yusefbobo: I’ve recently hit 160 and now i haven’t lost weight in about a week and have been gaining more weight. I stay within my deficit and I get my 1000 steps in a day.

Yusefbobo. Food diary blog.