Zombies Run fitness App Topic

Is anyone here using the really cool fitness app Zombies, Run? So far I really love it but I'm only on mission for. I was just wondering so that I could friend and chat with another runner five. Let me know. If you are unfamiliar with what this is, it's a fitness app that you can adjust the time and distance, and it plays an audio over your music of someone speaking to you while you walk through a zombie apocalypse town collecting supplies and running from zombies. It is so stinking fun.

I used it for awhile. Almost like running with an audio book. It was fun, but I did get a bit tired of it.

Hi Pink I have all of the Zombie Runs and used them in the past. They are really fun to use and keep you moving. I've had back issues that are better after having injections in my lower back Facet Joints. Hopefully I can start using them again soon.

I am using it

Zombies Run fitness App