Anyone else as they are losing a large amount of weight watching loose skin start to appear? Ughh pros / cons of major weight loss Topic

I’ll never regret beginning this journey. I’m half way through and I am researching all the things I can do for loose skin during this process. I understand it may require surgery one day but I’m hopeful that all the things I’m doing will at least make it not as baddd as it would be doing nothing lol. From dry brushing, retinol, vitamin c, firming cream massages, derma rolling twice a month.. I have to see my skin is a lot smoother and less crapey.. anyone else concerned about loose skin?

Hi there U1192293813-
Strong work on your weight loss! We are thrilled to hear you've adopted a healthy lifestyle and glad MyNetDiary is part of it :)

Loose skin can be a side effect of losing large amounts of weight. Here are a few things that can help:

1. Focus on how you feel instead of what you see in the mirror.
It can be easier to tolerate changes in our appearance if we practice the power of positive thinking. For example, how is your energy level after losing dramatic weight? Has your confidence shifted with dramatic weight loss? Are you able to physically do things you could not do at a larger size?

2. Incorporate strength training as you are able. Toning can help your skin appear tauter. Your skin begins to sag because the space that used to be filled by fat is now empty. Need strength training ideas to work on at home, check out this blog:

3. Staying hydrated can help ensure your skin remains as elastic as possible. Not only is this important for skin appearance, hydration is important for optimal health. This article outlines hydration needs and how to track fluid intake in the app:

Strong work on losing significant weight and improving health! It is a big deal and certainly a reason to celebrate~ Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

I'm not a dietician but a certified personal trainer. Think of how complex skin is - it's your largest organ.

Those who are weight training and gaining muscle bulk face the same problem with stretch marks because of changing body shape. Skin can only adapt so quickly. The rate of change in your body mass isn't the only factor in stretch marks and skin changes, but it may be a major one. If your calorie deficit is very large, then maybe a more targeted question for a dietician is whether it should be reduced. Where did you start, where are you now, and what has the pace been?

The treatments you're mentioning are beyond my expertise but I've heard about them and I would try them in my own life so that's good to know you're trying different things. Nobody here can answer your question better than a dermatologist.

You may want to seek a consult with a surgeon now if you're interested in pursuing that toward the end of your journey. They can give expert advice on your current skincare program, for instance, what depth and frequency of dermastamping, if appropriate. Research your surgeon well, since some are more or less comfortable with a patient doing that procedure at home and can coach you on how to do it safely and effectively.

Your insurance will pay to have the extra skin missing. It’s about quality of life

I’ve lost more than 100 pounds 3 times before and now on my 4th journey to do it again. Loose skin was a major problem by the 2nd time I lost the weight and had a lower body lift. It was partially covered by insurance due to rashes on the front. I had to pay for the hips and back. Insurance does NOT cover skin removal unless there is a medical reason that is well documented. Skin rashes, infections,masses, or other issues affecting quality of life.

I needed to read this thread, thanks all!!

Anyone else as they are losing a large amount of weight watching loose skin start to appear? Ughh pros / cons of major weight loss