Exercise and calorie counts Topic

Hello All,

I am looking to hear how people handle their calorie counts when adding in exercise. The first time I entered a run it asked if I wanted to subtract what I burned working out to my total and I said no thinking it would just be more loss. But after I realized that maybe that is the wrong approach, I don’t want to over do it. How do others handle this?

Thanks for any info.


Hi Keith - I know the dietician will tell you to not add in your exercise. However I really think that depends how intense your workout is.
I generally burn over 300 calories when I workout. Please f I don’t put that in, I feel I would be working at such a caloric deficit, I would lack the energy to continue working out at that intensity moving forward.
I understand it for people who are doing very mildly intense forms of exercise but it just doesn’t work for me.
I should guest you play around with it and see how you feel & what your progress looks like.
Good luck!

Thanks CanadaAnne… that makes good sense. My works are in the 400+ range with plans to go higher in the coming weeks. Guess not counting them is not sustainable as they increase.

Hi Keith - sounds like you are training for a full or half marathon! Fantastic! And my apologies for the terrible spelling & grammar in my previous post. I will have to always check what autocorrect has decided on before posting from now on. 🤦🏻‍♀️

With so many Mobil devices and autocorrect I think we have all learned to read for intent rather than for specifics. And for the training just trying to put some miles in, it is good for my mind to just run.

Hey there U1192013045- I'd suggest giving each option a try and pay attention to how your body feels. You know your body the best and will have the best sense of what type of fueling makes sense for you and your energy levels and training. BTW: Hard workouts increase my hunger the FOLLOWING day, so I plan for that~

You may be interested in learning more about the nuts and bolts of how calorie budgets are established in the app. This article goes into a lot of detail and includes information about "adding exercise to calorie budget. " Have a great day and enjoy your runs! Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Hi Joanna, thanks for the info. I can see what you mean about thinking about the next day. Guess there would be something about when I get my work out in as well. Did you mean to link an article? You reference an article but I am not sure where to look. Thanks

Hi U1192013045,

I believe Joanna intended to attach this article in her last message.


Hope it helps. Please keep us posted! Brenda (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Great, thanks

I have found I get more hungry when I exercise so I need to plan food around it. I dont exercise as intensely as you do. First I added exercise to my calorie budget but I think it helps me know how much to eat it I have a more stable calorie goal but somehow the program will take my exercise calories off even if it does not add it to my food goal.

Exercise and calorie counts