Hello Topic

If you love someone you love everything about them, you can’t pick and choose what you want to love. Do your best, that’s all you can do, what do you want to do? How do you feel about yourself? As long as are happy with the effort you put in for the day when you put your head on pillow, that’s all you can as for! You do you and those babies and let your “boyfriend” piss off in my humble opinion.

I am sorry that happened to you. It is sad your boyfriend doesn’t respect your body for the miracle it has performed, twice!
The bigger issue is his lack of respect for you as a human being whom he supposedly loves. That isn’t something that can be solved on this platform. It will take some in depth conversation between the 2 of you & maybe a professional. Good luck and remember your worth is not found in your physical body.

Thank you for your kind words. Yes, it’s definitely knocked me back because I didn’t realise that’s what he was thinking or was feeling towards me. ultimately I’m doing what’s best for me and my kids hence why I’m looking at slowly losing weight to improve my health, and my body and still breastfeed okay.

It just made me ugly cry because I was already feeling insecure without him adding to it.

Hi, while I haven’t given birth, my mom has—seven times!! She weighs 130, and has learned to love her body. In the end, all I got is Me, myself and I, so we gotta love ourselves first! Dump his trash instead of getting him to love you. It may be hard but it will help your mental health in the long run. I love you, and you’ve got this warrior momma :)

So sad I’ve been in your position and it was more about them not liking the changes in their life. You must stay strong because the more you try to please others the less you please yourself. Don’t let others hurt you it’s hard not to and that is dreadful what he did. He is the one with the problem and I can’t imagine how it felt. Enjoy being a mum I had two children in two years and it’s hard work but worth it. This program does work and try and make good choices for yourself and your babies. You need support not criticism.
Remember even if you change for someone else it won’t ever be enough. If he is unhappy in himself and his life you can’t change that. (You changing or loosing weight won’t help as well) We are on a life journey and we will always change can’t go back to our youth but we can try to be healthy. Good luck and enjoy your journey.

So sad I’ve been in your position and it was more about them not liking the changes in their life. You must stay strong because the more you try to please others the less you please yourself. Don’t let others hurt you it’s hard not to and that is dreadful what he did. He is the one with the problem and I can’t imagine how it felt. Enjoy being a mum I had two children in two years and it’s hard work but worth it. This program does work and try and make good choices for yourself and your babies. You need support not criticism.
Remember even if you change for someone else it won’t ever be enough. If he is unhappy in himself and his life you can’t change that. (You changing or loosing weight won’t help as well) We are on a life journey and we will always change can’t go back to our youth but we can try to be healthy. Good luck and enjoy your journey.

He’s a piece of sh!t, and you deserve FAR better than that scumbag.

Of course your body will be experiencing changes, you spent months carrying, nourishing, and creating A HUMAN BEING. That’s absolutely beautiful! Even now, you’re still feeding a child which is insanely cool! Anyone who’s criticizing your body after doing something as needs to get their priorities straight.

Spoiler alert: Bodies change, child or not. You won’t always “look like the girl he met”. For him to be so fixated on your physical features is shallow and disgusting.

Remember the amazing woman you are. You’re strong and resilient. You’re a loving mother to two children. I don’t know you personally, but I’m 100% sure you can fill a book with all the things that make you awesome.

Appreciate your body for all the things it does for you to keep you alive and functioning every day. Your heart beats, your muscles move, you’re able to smile and laugh and enjoy life.

It’s not you or your body’s job to be “attractive” to other people. It is to keep you alive and let you do the things you want to do. If they can’t appreciate your true beauty, that’s on them.

Right now, it’s about YOU. Focusing on your recovery, focusing on nourishing your baby, loving and raising your two children.

Health is more than just the physical, it’s the mental and emotional and social as well. If the people around you are putting you down, that is not going to help anything.

Keep being amazing, and think about what’s best for you. Know your worth, because you’re a beautiful soul who deserves so much.
