Recovering WW Member Topic

Anyone else here leave WW?


Yes Iā€™ve left WW also. Iā€™ve had a lot of success with it in the past, but for some reason it just doesnā€™t work for me anymore. I was looking for something different. I like this app and counting calories so far. Iā€™m on week one.


I would loose then gain it back over and over again. I wasnā€™t faithful šŸ™ˆ

Yes, me too!
I think Iā€™ve spent about Ā£5k over the years paying WW and I keep losing and regaining the weight. Itā€™s definitely time to count calories and eat more protein.
No more yo-yo-ing on these silly plans. Just when you start progressing they change it. Bye bye WW

I will always love weight watchers for teaching me heart healthy eating but the pay to weight method always backfired in the end, Iā€™d feel like Iā€™d escaped something. Iā€™ve finally realized I will never maintain without continuing tracking. So Iā€™ve outgrown WW :) while recognizing ā€œIā€™m ā€œ not 8 years old and am Accountable. Iā€™ve also gone deeper uncovering Limiting Beliefsā€¦

I am still on WW; I find the meetings so helpful but the 0 point foods were detrimental to my weight loss. So here I am counting calories and macros to see what makes my weight loss tick.

I left weight watchers after tracking for many years, losing and gaining. It helped me lose a lot of weight, but the newest point system change did not work for me. I spent a lot of money over the years.
My doctor suggested a low fat weight loss plan, and I found this app. It keeps me honest, and no confusion with how much fat. Carbs, and calories I am eating (as opposed to ā€œno pointā€ food confusionā€”because they have calories!
I have lost six pounds in three weeks, which is more than I have lost with weight watchers in over a year.

Well done! I have the app set for 3/4 pound a week, so slow and easy, and hit my first goal of 25 down last week, tracking since December. I feel so good, and wish us all life long success however we get there

Recovering WW Member