Weight loss plateau Topic

Hi, so I’ve been dieting since last Dec, eating a maximum of 1700 calories which is approx a 250 kcal deficit (my maintenance is 1950). I haven’t lost any weight for a month and my scales show body fat and muscle mass - my muscle mass hasn’t increased/my body fat hasn’t decreased so I know it the plateau isn’t that. I’ve logged precisely every thing I’ve ate; i burn anywhere between 50-100 calories a day by walking and I exercise 2/3x a week burning between 200-500 calories. What am I doing wrong?

I was expecting my weight loss to be slow because the deficit isn’t too big but my weight isn’t budging at all not even a 0.1 kg. Please help!

From personal experience I would try to increase the daily steps or lower the daily amount of calories. Hope this helps !

I had same problem. Started to jump rope everyday and started to lost weight again and consistently. Try to add jump rope to your exercises, it really works !

Hi U119748370-
I am sorry to hear the scale has stopped reflecting your hard work. I realize this can be frustrating and cause doubt in the process.

Here are some tips that have helped others break a plateau:

1. Make sure and eat 3 balanced meals each day. Many people are aware of this tip, though skip meals in an effort to lose weight faster. Eating 3 meals/day helps you meet your nutrient needs and prevents getting overly hungry. When we are overly hungry it is harder to make smart choices. This article summarizes the plate plan which is a great template when building healthy meals:https://www.mynetdiary.com/healthy-plate-method.html

2. Include daily activity as able though do not enable "Add exercise calories to budget."
Striving to include weekly aerobic and strength training is important for building muscle and burning calories. Listen to your body and progress slowly. It is all about progress, not perfection!
Here are some workout videos you may enjoy checking out: https://www.mynetdiary.com/can-t-get-to-the-gym-try-some-of-these-low-impact-exercises-at-home.html

3. While it is natural to pay close attention to the scale, there are a host of other ways to measure success when it comes to creating a healthy lifestyle. These tips can help maintain motivation beyond the scale: https://www.mynetdiary.com/track-weight-loss-progress.html

4. Track your progress in the app by paying attention to the My Diet Trends and Weekly Analysis and following their advice, they are available on the Coach tab.

5. Additional plateau-busting tips: https://www.mynetdiary.com/have-you-been-dieting-and-exercising-but-not-losing-weight-try-these-proven-plateau-solutions.html
Please keep us updated on your progress! Best, Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

I find not eating anything after 3 pm and making sure I do sit-ups or something for at least five minutes before bed will jumpstart the metabolism again and move that scale.☺️

They say breakfast is an important meal. If I miss breakfast I lose a pound . I gain it back when I have breakfast such as chia pudding or anything healthy 😊

Good morning have you had your thyroid checked
I have under active thyroid since 2009 and I ballooned to 116kg I have battled since then I have got down to 82 kg been there since 2017
I now do cardio everyday weekend off
I’m still 82kg I’m obese I never eat bad food at all I have high cholesterol
So please have a blood test and sometimes we don’t eat enough protein good luck

Weight loss plateau