6 Pack! Topics

Looking for young adults to join (30-40). My hope for our group is to motivate one another to reach our weight loss goals. I want you to share your weight, the real number, and let that honesty motivate you! Sure we will stumble, but together we will never fall! *Share Tips *Share Recipes *Share Struggles *Share Successes

Weight Loss Progress

4 members lost no weight within last week, no weight within last month, total loss is 38.7lbs.
Freshfesh succeeded with personal food calorie plan within last 24 hours.

18% to 10% Body Fat 1 messages

Last message on 04/20/19 by Nazashab: I am 44 years old aiming to reduce body fat from 18% to 10% bodyfat. I started from 21% bodyfat and reduced to 18% within 4 months, however now it is stopped in spite of calorie deficit and 60 minutes exercise 5 days a week.

Hi Yall I'm looking to lose 80 pounds 1 messages

Last message on 01/07/17 by Txviking78: Hi guys I'm starting my new weight loss journey and I'm also switching gyms the end of next month. My current weight is 225.6 and I'm wanting to get down to 145 by this time next year I know I can do this just need to stay focused and away from...

So far so good 1 messages

Last message on 01/04/17 by Gr8Scott: 7lbs gone since the 1st! This app has kept me focused and motivated. I found a lot of great recipes on Cooking Light and have discovered quinoa. Oatmeal Medleys for breakfast, leftovers for lunch, healthy snacks and home cooked meals for dinner has...

6 Pack!. Looking for young adults to join (30-40). My hope for our group is to motivate one another to reach our weight loss goals. I want you to share your weight, the real number, and let that honesty motivate you! Sure we will stumble, but together we will never fall! *Share Tips *Share Recipes *Share Struggles *Share Successes