Advice for "All or Nothing" attitude... Topic

Help. When I feel I have "blown" my eating plan for the day, I tend to eat everything I can get my hands on. Very unhealthy mindset. It's like I eat everything I've denied myself and think I'll start over tomorrow. Anyone else have this problem? How do you combat it?

Maybe work in those forbiden items into you meal plans so you don't feel compelled to attack those foods on a bender?

Find some substitutes forthose items you crave. Healthy choice fudgesicles are about 100 calories and take the edge off of the ice cream / chocolate craving so I can stay with plan.

I haven't fallen off the wagon; I've jumped a time or two and it was because I denied myself too much and was getting bored. I am still working my boredom issues as a trigger.

Good luck.

I used to do that GG, but strangely not on this attempt to lose a pile of fat. :) I've teetered at the edge of the wagon twice, but not close to jumping off. At least you recognise the problem. Have a word with yourself and simply decide to not have a blow out if you have a little indulgence. :)

I use that excuse ALOT to give in to my demons. It's extremely easy to think that way. I keep trying to remind myself that we have to live in the moment and no think about tomorrow. How much will that dessert affect you now?? How much will you have to go without tomorrow to make up for it??

I think of it as baby steps. One meal at a time, one snack at a can't look at the entire day as a total loss.

When I give in to my demons I do some extra exercise to counter balance my bad ways!

Hi there! My name is Holly, age 35 and I am in the United Kingdom......just found this site today and i want to make new friends to give and receive support!......i started off at nearly 22 stone, and now I am nearly down to 18 stone and still working hard to lose more.....I welcome any new friends and messages! xxx

Can you tell us all what a "stone" is? We Americans aren't used to that one.

An idea that's been powerful for me lately: as an adult, I've got freedom. When I was in high school, I used my freedom to bake and eat a 9x13 pan of brownies when no one was looking. As a college student, I used my freedom to get involved in cool activities like sports, singing, making the best friends of my life. When I started working full time, I again started using my freedom to do things that were bad for me (endless t.v., incessant eating), even though it didn't make me feel good - it felt "free" or like I was in control rather than bending to the wants and needs of others. The question for me now is, how do I truly want to use my freedom? I'm blessed to have it, so why waste it on things that actually further entrap me?

Totally do the same thing! For me, it has to do with the desire for freedom from my plan - having "blown" the plan, I feel like I might as well take advantage of it - I've already "failed" so failing harder doesn't seem like such a big deal. Couple things help me: first, dividing up the day so that while I may have "blown" the first part of the day, I can still win a "success" for the evening - I set a new goal and imagine that I am starting clean. It resets the internal competition I've got going on. Second is like Michael said - build in some of my comfort foods into my plan, so I am not so keen to get "free" from it. My favorite addition is McDonalds soft serve small vanilla cone - feels indulgent b/c its ice cream and its fast food, but doesn't actually pack the fat and calories of it.

I do this allll the time!What helped me to stop is I stopped thinking about weight lose as a pound goal,,,when I would try to lose 10 pounds this would happen to me but now I think about this as a life style this is how I need to eat everyday for the rest of my life no matter the pounds I lose. So when I cheat now I prepare for it and eat healthy for the rest of the day or go workout after. Then you wont continue! Hope that helps!

Advice for "All or Nothing" attitude...