Hcg drops Topic
There is no one diet that is right for everyone. This is why we have so many to choose from. I think it is important to recognize that people's personalities are vital to the success of a diet.
For the last 20 years, I have been overweight. I have tried many diets that have just not worked for me. The see-saw effect always got me. I know how to eat right, I know how to exercise. I am not good with long term diets that see little or slow progress. I feel like it wastes my time.
I have used HCG with excellent results. I just finished my second round, (under my doctor's supervision). In total, I have lost 50 pounds, and lost 50 inches from my body. I went from a pants size 18W to 14. It took me 5 months to accomplish this. I will start one more round of HCG in February. I have only 25 more pounds to go! I should be done in April and then on lifetime maintenance.
I would have to disagree with previous comments that this diet doesn't teach you how to eat properly when on the maintenance phase. My doctor and I discuss how to add foods back in to my life, how to continue to think about food in the ratios when on the protocol, but in slightly larger proportions. We look into how to use healthier oils properly, choosing healthier meats, continue to prepare foods on the grill. It is also during the maintenance phase that I learned which foods were triggers for my body as I slowly introduced them back into my diet. I learned that I can eat starch, and I can eat fat, but I can't eat them together! It triggers weight gain for me.
All diets require a life change in how we approach food. All diets will fail if you go back to your old habits. Losing weight is not an individual activity. I have my doctor, friends, family and places like here to discuss the successes, the pitfalls, and share knowledge and support. The use of HCG should be done under a doctor's supervision, and the protocol must be followed exactly.
The last bit of advise I have is to research any diet before you undertake it. Find one that matches your personality and lifestyle. If a diet doesn't match you, then no matter which one it is, it will fail. The HCG matched my life so well. I feel confident and, for the first time in many years, proud of body.
replied to Wishtoplay
I am finishing my first round and (just over a month) and I have lost almost 30 lbs!! I like it a lot. Just hope that I will learn how to maintain it in the maintenance phase. I am new to MyNetDiary, that is why I am signing up - to help keep myself on track.
replied to Travjr
Glad that you are using MND to shift into healthy eating for weight maintenance. Be sure to take advantage of the articles on the main website (also accessible through library in the iPhone/iPod or iPad apps). For a nice basic article on how foods meet nutrient needs, read this article: http://www.mynetdiary.com/foods-nutrient-needs.html
Let us know how it goes. If you have questions specifically for me, the consulting dietitian, then post on "Ask a Dietitian."
Kathy Isacks, MPS, RD
MOVED TO "ASK A DIETITIAN": Is it normal to gain weight while exercising and burnings tons of calories, and eating less... I am getting discouraged. ;(
replied to Wishtoplay
My husband and I have lost over 100 lbs. with HCG drops. It helped me to clean up my diet and rid myself of my sugar cravings. As long as you continue to eat clean afterwards, there is no reason why you should not be able to maintain your new weight. There is more info on my website at www.inspiredhealthconcepts.com. Best of luck!
There are safety issues surrounding use of HCG drops for weight loss. Be informed. Here are some links for more info.
FDA: Questions and Answers on HCG Products for Weight Loss http://www.fda.gov/Drugs/ResourcesForYou/Consumers/BuyingUsingMedicineSafely/MedicationHealthFraud/ucm281834.htm
WebMD (Kathleen Zellman, MPH, RD, LD): The Truth about HCG for Weight Loss http://www.webmd.com/diet/features/truth-about-hcg-for-weight-loss
Kathy Isacks, MPS, RD, CDE
I am on day 11 of hcg drops. I am only wanting to do one "round" . I am using them in conjuction with mynetdiary(which I am loving!) I have lost 5 lbs rather fast, and now everything has slowed down..
I did HCG for 40 days under the direction of my doctor, I now have a meal plan given to me by a nutritionist. I lost almost 40 lbs while taking HCG and I am continuing to lose weight (at a much slower rate) on a daily basis.
I have found that I am now struggling to intake my required calories because I feel full.
If anyone is interested in the meal plan my nutritionist gave me please feel free to email me scfredjr@yahoo.com and I will email it to you.
I am new to this site, just signed up a few days ago...and just now checking out the forums. I was reading about the hcg drops here and am wondering if it is safe to use if you are a diabetic? I keep my diabetes under control with metformin and diet. I am unable to exercise due to a back disability. Any help/advice is greatly appreciated.
Hi Kimber The scam of the HCG diet is that you take the drops (which actually contain almost nil HcG)IN ADDITION TO only taking in 500 calories a day. Do they make you lose weight? Sure. Here is another way. Sniff one daisy a day and only consume 500 calories. :)
I would definitely talk to your doc before going this route and check out Kathy's links as well. The manufacturers of these drops have been cited by the FDA.
Hcg drops