I'm Stuck! Topic
Hello Friends! Need some words of wisdom and encouragement. I've been doing really well since starting with MND- I've lost 14 pounds since 1/5. I have about 80 more to go. I am super motivated, have stuck with my calorie guidelines, sometimes even coming in a bit under my daily limit, making sure my meals are high veg and fiber, staying away from sugar and "bad" carbs. I have not started an exercise plan yet because I recently retore my meniscus in my knee (motivation to drop the weight before getting it repaired again). I am now rattling my scale every morning because despite my efforts and strict plan, I have not dropped a pound for over a week and it's making me crazy. Help!
Hi Jetty, can you walk (slowly) with your knee? You may want to use a step counter to monitor your daily movement and make sure you drink enough water for your body to get rid of the toxins. Focus on the good - you've done amazing already: 14 lbs in so little days! WOW. Congratulate yourself and enjoy that new feeling. Focus on the good rather than the bad.
Oh - and check your sodium intake. I am currently trying to quit drinking diet soda's and just drink water since diet soda's have about 120 mg sodium which retains water...
Unfortunately, my knee siezes up/locks when I walk more than about 2 blocks. I walk my dog every day, but thats the extend of how far I can go. Drinking more water is a great reminder, thanks! My sodium level isn't too bad and I only have 1 diet coke a day. I used to do "walk away the pounds" and loved it. Have a hard time getting through it though with my knee. Maybe some upper body strength training?
I have issues with my knee too. I'm a dancer so too many years of wear-and-tear have hurt my knees and hips. My trainer had me weightlifting (mostly upper body) to build muscle, and gradual exercises with my knees now have me jogging and walking the treadmill again. Unfortunately, you're going to have to move to lose. You can find ways around using the knee but you should probably have it looked at now because it's going to be harder to try and do it around it. Keep the fight. You can do this!
I'm Stuck!