Introductions Topic

That is a wonderful idea, any suggestions on how we should do it would be wonderful. I try to exercise daily but have those days where I get in a rut and take to many days off so some encouragement would be great. That is awesome that you have been a lifelong vegetarian. Dairy is a tough thing to give up. Daiya, Earth Balance, and Almond milk are my saviors in that regard.

Dairy can be rough. I'm fortunate in that I'm somewhat lactose intolerant, so I didn't use it much anyway.
I think that's a great idea too! I make another group topic for it called: Weekly Workout Check-In.

Hi all!

My name is Rebecca andI am an artist, mother and gluten-free (1 1/2 years) vegan (5 years). I am trying to bounce back from a bout of long-term illness that has taken a toll on me physically partially due to being unable to exercise as well as learning to change my diet. I am still in physical pain so exercise has been a slow process but I am working with chiropractor/physical therapist and hope to be feeling stronger soon. I am looking forward to being a part of this group!

Welcome to the group Rebecca. We are glad to have you here.

Welcome Rebecca! Glad to have you here, I'd bouncing back from a knee injury so I'm in the same boat regarding the slow build back to regular exercise.

Hi! I'm Char.

I am living in Australia and have been vegan for about 20 years, full vegetarian before that.

Somehow I have managed to eat a heap of take-away vegan food lately during a high time of stress (I usually cook at home and am very careful with portions! lol), and have put on more than a few extra kilo's.

I am going to lose the extra weight and watch the take away meals from now on, I've done it before when I lived in China and did get back to my happy weight again so no real reason why I won't be able to do it again!. I can't wait forever for my stress levels to to down so I'm getting a head start and counting my calories now :).

Cheers and g'day to all!

L Char :)

Hi Cher,

Welcome. Sounds like you've got a good plan.

I actually find that when I'm eating well it helps manage my stress.

Best of luck!

Welcome Char, Best of luck.

Hi everyone! I'm not sure if this group is still live, but I'm reaching out just in case.

I've been vegan for a while and always like talking with other like-minded people :)
I'm looking for a few buddies/friends to share weight-loss tips and struggles.

I am a stage 3 kidney disease patient and have gone vegan to stabilize my disease. I am 70 and it has been a big change for me and has greatly benefited my disease.
I don't crave any foods but have to limit phosphorus, sodium and potassium intake. That limits my choices. Lots of foods are off limits because of the phosphorus content, like tomatoes, potatoes, sweet potatoes , sugar citrus and many more . Is there anyone in the same situation?
