Motivation to Get It Done and FitnessBlender Topic

I love FitnessBlender however I have been struggling for months now to complete workouts, let alone a program, consistently. Tried recruiting help for accountability from those around me and no luck or consistency. I need to move and I want to be stronger so badly. I had completed a half marathon and used to have muscle and now think couch potato. Gah. I did it before without accountability and without so much struggle but now it is so frustrating. Doing workouts consistently feels so overwhelming but I do not regret it ever and enjoy it but mentally I seem to struggle getting started.

Any advice or suggestions?

Hi Awesomesue,

(Can I tell you how much I love your user name??)
I am so glad you posted. You are not alone with struggling with motivation, and I hope some of our other users will share ideas.

In the meantime, I have a few thoughts-

Give yourself credit for anything you do. While completing a half marathon is a huge accomplishment, some days getting out for a 10-minute walk is also to be celebrated!

Consider live fitness classes, even if they are virtual. Most local rec centers have virtual options. Having a stronger a sense of community may make it more fun and engaging for you. Even if you aren't participating in a live class, make sure you build in your workout time in your schedule and honor it as if it was a live class.

Consider your emotional state. These are challenging times, to say the least. Please speak to your doctor if you think depression or anxiety could be at play. Lack of motivation to do things you used to enjoy can signal there is something more going on.

I'd also like to share this post about motivation from my colleague, Joanna.
I love what she says here: ""Many people rely on negative self judgement as a way of staying motivated and in doing so fail to treat themselves with kind-heartedness. Next time a slip happens, try being a friend to yourself. You may be pleasantly surprised to find that it is easier than you think to get back on track when you are compassionate towards yourself.""


MyNetDiary Registered Dietiian

Thank you for your thoughtful reply. I had not considered how anxiety would impact it. In a 2 month window we had to move and find the money to do it, move ourselves, father inlaw passed on the first day of the move, an uncle lost to covid, at this point we were early into the shutdown of our state thinking we would be good come summer, and frankly all that is still uncertain for many of us. I have let my gratitude journal slide too. Powerful tool I need to use. I will speak with my dr when I have my physical in 3 weeks. Definitely need to be kinder to myself. I should not compare theme from 5 years ago to today. I think that may add to the overwhelm because I feel I should be at another place. Much of this goes back to what you said.

Going to make my workout a high priority and not if I have time or after I take care of everyone else. I think it will be best first thing in the morning before I have a chance to consider other items. I certainly am up early enough. Honestly I have no idea what my motivation is like since all I do is get coffee and sit. I normally feel the most optimistic and have the best plans for the day including working out. Might be the best time. I love using FitnessBlender but often use my phone for the videos. I think I will use a larger screen because in the past I felt like I was doing a workout with someone when I would do that. I will also give that a try.

I liked the article. I am not good with rewarding myself or being kind. The journal will help but I need to think about rewards. I mean a "brag" that I did it and a good job reply goes a long way and may help fill that motivation tank. Besides feeling better and becoming stronger weight loss is important. However I will not rely on just the scale. I am going to do picts and measurements I can check monthly? I weigh once a week at most.

I tend to focus on all the workouts missed and not the ones done.

Hi Awesomesue- You certainly have been through a lot in the last few months! What a stressful time. I am sorry for your losses-
Stress/anxiety and depression can really impact weight loss and our overall motivation to maintain healthy habits. I think you have a great plan to use the FitnessBlender workouts. Tweaking the way you view them may really make a difference. Remember it is all about progress not perfection!
I am a firm believer in finding healthy ways to reward ourselves for our efforts. This can keep our motivation tank from running too low and can fuel additional workouts.
Let us know how things are going for you and be kind to yourself. You deserve to be healthy and happy and fit! Best, Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)


Motivation to Get It Done and FitnessBlender