My Starting Weight/Shape Topic

Just took pics of myself in my undershirt and wow - am I in bad shape. But the pics won't be embarrassing if they are my "before" pics, right? Heck, I'm not even sure I find them embarrassing right now. I am out of shape but they are my real shape. They are not

Posted my before pic on my profile. I am old and chubby. That's okay. For me, accountability starts with telling yourself the truth.

I’ve just started my journey…. A week in. I’m the heaviest I’ve ever been and really must do this for good. Tried many times to lose weight but just got impatient. This time I feel it’s different and I’m determined. But need to be held to account! Lost 1.8 kg in a week I have 25 kg to go! Let’s do this!

My Starting Weight/Shape