Not doing so well this week; How about you? Topic

Fingers crossed your nutritionist can help you find something good. But just a suggestion, if I may... look into the carnivore diet combined with intermittent fasting. That should take care of most of your issues just like that. I know, you said you are almost entirely plant-based, but that could also cause some of the issues you are having. More and more reports coming out that ppl are even reversing type 2 diabetes with a ketogenic or a carnivore diet., especially when combining it with intermittent fasting. It sounds worse than it actually is. You basically (this is now just the most popular example) can do a 16/8. This means you can eat for 8h of the day and then stay off food for 16h. In case you have access to YouTube (and since we are chatting here I'm pretty sure you do), you can look up some really good info about it all. Starting with a documentary film which shocks a lot of ppl. It's called "Fat Fiction". Then for general health stuff, I'd recommend the YT channels of Dr. Ken Berry and Dr. Eric Berg, as well as Dr. Sten Ekberg. And for intermittent fasting Dr. Jason Fung. The deeper you dig, the more you will find out how wrong most of the advice was, which we were given over all those years. If you have some stuff going on, you can just type the name of your issue in their channel's search field and then you have a few different opinions and maybe already some great ideas where to start.

And regarding doctors, it's pretty hopeless here it seems. Unless you pay for a private doctor, you can't even decide which doctor you want to consult. Picture this. You arrive here at the doctor's clinic, you get a waiting number and then you sit down with 300 other folks who are waiting to see a doctor. Then there are 5-10 doors and your number will be called eventually. You go in there, they pull your patient history from the computer, and each time you see a different doctor. You can never build up trust with one and each one sees probably 500 patients per day. So all they care about is, what the records show, was there progress yes/no, and do we send you home with another 500 pills for the next 3-4 months, or do we have to add some new ones? That's the doctor's experience here. I call it the cattle farm. And we patients are the cattle. The only thing missing is the ownership branding, but that might come at some point and they call it progress then...

Woohoo, dropped another 10.4 kg of body weight.^^

And another 9.2 kg down. This diet is magic...

I am finally over my latest plateau! After loosing 30 pounds was stuck between 340 and 343! I am now moving down again! This morning I weighed in at 336! My next goal is 330 by the end of August!

That's great. Keep in mind, that the closer you get to your ideal body weight, the slower the weight loss will go. The human body can be a bit stubborn at times.

I am currently a little out of the race. Feels like I have torn a smaller muscle in my lower back and even though it's just a small area, every movement hurts. So exercise is out of the picture at the moment and I have to rely completely on my diet. Not that worried about losing more weight, that will be easy to do, but I would prefer to build some more muscle at the same time since muscles help to burn even more cals since they require more energy overall. Hope to get back on track in a few days. But for now, it's just diet and painkillers for me...

I can not exercise either! I am at 338 pounds and have trouble with not being around I have to wait till I loose more weight before I start to exercise!

I have just been counting calories watching my sodium intake, my weight went up 5 pounds in one day and my sodium was over about 3 days before that!

I am at 386 pounds and I exercise 3 h per week. I started exercising despite 456 pounds BW. Not gonna stop me.^^

Sure, you can't do pull-ups or pistol squats and stuff like that. But everyone can buy a light resistance band or theraband for 5 bucks and gain muscle even when sitting down and watching a movie.

I totally get you though. I have been exactly at where you are at. But sometimes it's too easy to find excuses to not start something on day X, you know. It's this constant "I'll do that tmr or next week" stuff that holds us back.

Maybe I have just gotten too sick to let things slide that way. See it this way. If you are at 338 pounds of BW, your body is used to carrying that weight to a degree. If you build or even just maintain that muscle you already got and then lose weight, you are operating at a totally new level, because you have the same power in you, just less mass that needs to be moved. So you win on both ends at the same time. Makes sense?

P.S. My sodium intake is between 5000 mg and 8000 mg daily and I purposely strive for 6000 mg... and my last blood pressure reading was 120/84. Sodium is not the enemy. ;)

Doing really great. Weighed in after a long time and lost another 12 kg. That makes 44 kg of weight loss total in pretty much 6 months.

Not doing so well this week; How about you?