Progress Topic

Its cold here. 75 yesterday and high of 45 today. Not have the best eating day but i will stay under my calories. I will ride my bike at some poiint today.

Keep it going. We are doing great so far.

We are! I am also going to exercise too today.

Welp, bad day for me. way over in calories. lol. Back at it tomorrow.

It’s okay, Bub. Hopefully you burned some off with your exercise. If not, tomorrow is a new day! We can do this! Hang tough💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

Good morning! So I didn’t exercise yesterday which led to me being over in calories. It looks sunny out. If that continues after I watch Meet the Press, Bandit and I are going for a walk! Let’s keep moving and let’s stay strong together💪🏻

Weekend is over. Let’s power thru the rest of wee 2!

Im still here. lol Im having a good day so far calrorie wise. Keep it up

Brenda and I looked at the foods you are eating. Very well done. You are eating very healthy. Awesome job and keep it up.

Hey! Thank you so much! I really appreciate that!
We can totally do this!

Also, I notice that you are implementing healthy changes implementing oatmeal for breakfast and adding more fruits and veggies and Brenda’s been doing great exercising every day! You guys keep up the good work as well. 💪🏻💪🏻
