running with a slower person Topic

considering the last post for this group was in December, we'll see how this goes...

I'm training for a 10K with my mother, but lately I've been gaining in speed and endurance way faster than she is (she's 55, I'm 28, so I'm just happy she's out running at all!). I'm not complaining about her being slow, I LOVE that she's interested in running races, but I'm wondering if training with her once a week is hurting my routine.

Is there anything wrong with running slow? The rest of my training has either been alone or with a fast pacer so I feel like I can take a slow day with my mom, I just don't know if I could end up hurting myself by changing my pace so drastically. What do you guys think?

I'm not an expert but I've never heard of any damage from running slowly. If it's very very slow, you might not be getting anything out of it so you might need to add another run in your week to continue your speed and endurance gains.

You can mix in some sprints where you sprint down the path then run back to where she is. That way you don't leave her completely stranded but still get some good running in.

Maybe change up your training schedule up a bit so the day you run with her falls on a cross training day :)

running with a slower person