Starting Anew Topic

I had a serious medical appointment a day ago and a 100 pound weight loss is clearly mandatory. I have used every diet technique and fad available with little success but now the impacts of needing to lose the weight are clear and direct. I have superior medical support and home support and the remainder rests with me. I know what to eat and I will use this new diary to record everything I eat as well as daily exercise and related elements of this effort. My goal is to remove 100 pounds over a year or less starting this date - November 9, 2014. This site was recommended and I have explored it and feel it is an excellent vehicle to accompany all diet and lifestyle change efforts. I own this effort and I must make the changes necessary. This is where I start and there must be no excuses. I hope that support will be forthcoming from others. Chillon

I am on Day #3 of this hopefully total foods program. Eating is of course the key and I have started to make some headway - getting ride of the miserable fast foods and seeking to avoid late night eating. It is a difficult task but it is essential and I will be commenting here regardless if others join the discussion or not. It is a medical necessity to learn how to eat after so many years of eating improperly.

Weighing In - A Question - daily or weekly - any thoughts or Ideas. Chillon

I ate breakfast today - a first essentially and it was all good food -0 grapes, Dannon lite yougart - strawberry (80 calories)and coffee. It is a start of many more changes to come.

Saturday Morning and weigh in tomorrow Sunday. I seek to lose 2.8 pounds per week which is at the height of the spectrum. My goal is serious - I will lose 80 pounds by the end of May, 2015 with a combination of diet and exercise with the clear emphasis on diet. My program focuses on the following:

no white bread or related breads

no desserts - none - ZERO

no stops at any fast food drive thru stations

no obvious processed foods - cold cuts etc

fruits and vegetables - fish - limited meats

alcohol - easy as I do not drink

Quite a change from a terrible eating history over many years. This is my initial focus and I am on it - 28 weeks ending May 31st with 80 pounds to be lost and a new approach to eating. Chillon

I just returned from a late workout - I joined Planet Fitness at a very modest cost and 24 hour workout capability. I am walking for 60 minutes on a treadmill at a slow pace - 2 miles per hour and 2 Degrees of incline. It is all I am able to must at this point with all the extra weight I am carrying around.

I ran many miles daily for years and then stopped after knee replacement surgery. The weight started to come and on and on until this terrible situation. Now I am on a plan and workout is part of the plan. Food comes first an foremost - halting the intake an the return of simple exercise will assist. I feel wonderful after the first few 60 minute walking cycles - it is so miserable carrying the weight but the process has started and I intend to make it work for there is no alternative. It is 10:55 PM an I must not eat anything else today until breakfast tomorrow. The late night eating demons will start and I must be able to say NO. Chillon I will explain why I selected the screen name of Chillon from the poem by Byron - more about that later. Chillon

This is a serious challenge. I lost weight to start then gained some and now am totally focused on this effort. I have a 25 week focus period to lose 75 pounds. I have reviewed the food issues and the loss effort with exercise. I am totally committed. I am drinking very tasty vegetable liquid drink two meals a day and proper food for the 3rd meal. I attended a wonderful holiday party yesterday - the best with many fine friends and ate NOTHING. I felt great - terrible challenge for the rest of the day.

I needed to get away from food an went to the movies (GONE GIRL) and say a great film an drank black coffee. I came home late and watched another film and went to sleep - seeking to avoid food. I am buried with the challenge of terrible eating for years - I know what I have to do and I must do it. I would appreciate the supportive words and thoughts of others but I am content to make this happen alone as needed. Chillon

I finally have an eating plan with food decisions, I have a methodology for this diet and life change. CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) as applied by Dr. Judith Beck at the University of Pennsylvania. I am very pleased. I own the outcomes. The changes are of my doing., There is also enough time to do it correctly. I am using her book - "The Beck Diet Solution." Chillon

Hi, I'm in the process of losing over 100 pounds, too. I joined Planet Fitness, too. I'm afraid of those weight machines, but sometime this month I promised myself to use them. :)


I too have a significant amount of weight to lose. 90lbs left. I just started the eight week challenge (search it on the web) with Bonnie and Briar. Basically the focus is on cleaning up your diet.

My son did just that and lost 25lbs! I informally followed it and have lost 6. The challenge begins in earnest this week. I have cut out sugar and processed food. I feel good.

My biggest challenge is adding exercise to my life. I used to be religious about it but life and work intervened.

I wish you all the best. You can make it happen! And you will feel so much better in the process. I find this the absolute best tracking site EVER!! I have recommitted to this. We can do it!

I'm 70 down and 50 to go.

Anyone left here?

Wow. I’m impressed. I need to begin again! You have inspired me!

Starting Anew