Strength training & muscle gain Topic

This is a good topic to get started for those of you trying to GAIN weight. Share what you are doing and what is working for you.

High weight low reps like 6-8 reps for 3-4 sets for 2 weeks. Then to shock the muscles sets of 30 reps one set me exercise.

Ectomorph, 3 day split with same compound heavy lifts, eating between 3300&3700 depending on activity. Around a gallon and a half a day. 55%carbs on lift days and 45% on others. Still trying to grow

A lot of folks find it harder to gain weight than to lose weight. Athletic men/young men know this all too well. It can be more reasonable to set your weight gain goal to something more modest - like 1-2 lbs/month. What are you guys using for your weight gain goal?

I've been hitting higher reps and heavier weight and have been noticing a change????

My 17 year old nephew is an athlete and was told to gain 20 pounds. I wish that I could donate the 20 I am trying to loose! Any suggestions for healthy foods that will help him gain?

Hi LulaBella, you can print this blog post for him (weight gain):

Gaining weight for those who are underweight is actually quite challenging.

- Including regular snacks will help get the calories in.
- Going for calories-dense foods will also help.
- Larger portions of healthy fats, carbs, and protein foods.
- Foods to meet nutrient needs - a good basic article:

Also, a modest weight gain goal of 1-2 lbs/month is more practical for weight gain.

Kathy Isacks, MPS, RD, CDE

Strength training & muscle gain