Weight lifting newbie Topic

For something pretty solid but also with a bit of fun I like these guys:

For stronger on knowledge with a focus on athleticism and injury avoidance

For same but focus on bodyweight training (these guys can do incredible things)

For commentary and deeper cuts into the science
For even deeper cuts into the science:

Asphesteros, thanks for posting these links. I haven't had a chance to watch them all but really LOVED the info from AthleanX! I saw they have a women's channel as well so I'll check that out too.

I'm in the middle of the AthleanX workout program now (I bought it years ago when I first started and felt I wasn't in good enough shape then), and I'm liking it quite a bit because it's clear how much care he places in making sure all the little parts of your anatomy necessary to good health and avoiding injury are as looked after as the big parts. As I'm going through it, I'm really getting a sense of the thought going into all the different movements and how they're built on each other over the course of the day/weeks/months. It's been revealing and addressing all these weak spots I didn't even realize how much were still there.

We're not as excited about his woman's content though. It looks like it comes from the same solid philosophy and foundations, but it has such a different feel, it looks like he contracted-out a lot of that content to other people, and definitely looks more 'Cosmo magazine' aesthetics focused than the functional/athletic focus of the main channel/programs.

I have been relying mostly on my trainer for shaping and lifting strategies. I spend very little time online or tv so your YouTube suggestions are all new to me. Agree on the AthleanX women's videos - not the same as the men's. I have been really happy with Oxygen Magazine for women's lifting and nutrition. They have success stories every month too...love that!

There are lots of good options mentioned above, I haven't looked at AthleanX complete programs, but I find the advice on specific movements very helpful. I've also heavily relied on the Breaking Muscle website, https://training.breakingmuscle.com/. This link is for training programs, but there are lots of great articles and videos on the main site.

My thought is to find a program that matches your goals, then use YouTube for movement guidance. I'm working with a remote trainer now and for every exercise he programs, he provides video links to the movements. It's been more effective than any other approach I've tried.

U1188315721- Thanks for sharing what is working for you! A remote trainer is such a great idea. Here are some of my favorite on demand work-outs. https://www.mynetdiary.com/try-pilates-on-demand.html
Best, Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)


I just started the program called Epic 1 on you tube! The person doing it has a link that goes into the program and it’s free!! I’m on day 4!

Weight lifting newbie