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Hi there Lisa77- Most people prioritize net carbs when following keto.
In the MyNetDiary app you can customize your carbohydrate target by setting a percent carb (usually 5-10%), or by setting a carb gram goal. Many keto plans allow for 20-30 grams of "net carb" per day to begin.

Net carb is total carb minus fiber. For example, 12 almonds have about three grams of total carb and two grams of fiber. Subtract two grams of fiber from three grams of total carb to get one gram of net carb. Tracking net carb will allow you to include more healthy vegetables, nuts, and seeds in your plan. Here is some additional information that may be helpful: https://www.mynetdiary.com/get_started_on_keto_diet_the_right_way_5_steps_for_success.html
Let us know if other questions remain. Best, Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietititan)

From my research and personal experience, eating keto or very low carb can temporarily cause glucose intolerance- meaning a small amount of carbs will cause a higher spike in glucose levels when your body has adopted to have less carbs. It is our bodies way to preserve the glucose for our brains.
Has anyone else noticed this while you are eating keto? I use a continuous glucose monitor and check my glucose with fingerpicks as well. I am doing keto/very low carb for health reasons.
Any advice or insights would be appreciated.

Hi U1191081832,

Yes, when your body has adapted to fewer carbs, you can see more dramatic spikes in your glucose when you have a lot of carbs at once.

I am glad to hear you are monitoring your glucose with a continuous glucose monitor and checking your glucose with fingerpicks. If you have type 2 diabetes, it is really important that you monitor closely and work closely with your diabetes care team to adjust your diabetes meds as needed. You want to prevent hypoglycemia while you follow a very low-carb plan. For example, following a very low carb plan may require less diabetes medication, and losing weight itself may result in less needed diabetes medication. Just stay in tune with it.

Yes, your body can adjust to less carb intake but everyone with diabetes is different in their response to very low carb. It depends on your unique diabetes profile, for example, factors such as how much insulin resistance you have and how long you've had diabetes. (How long you've had diabetes will determine how much insulin your pancreas produces to remove glucose from your blood.) With diabetes, I would certainly approach a very low-carb diet by monitoring how your carb and food intake impact your glucose levels and weight loss. I'd also carry glucose tabs or another quick-acting carb on your person so you can rescue any unexpected lows. Hope this helps! Best of luck with a healthy plan that helps you achieve your goals! Brenda (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

Thanks Brenda, but I don’t have diabetes.
I have been on the keto diet for over two months and just had some labs done.
My fasting glucose was 93 and fasting insulin was 0.8. Hgb A1C was 5.7.
My fasting glucose and Hgb A1C has changed compared to before I started the keto diet. But I wonder if my fasting Inulin is too low due to keto or should I be concerned?
I am eating about 20 grams of net carbs per day.

I meant to say in my last post that my Hgb A1C has stayed pretty much the same 5.7. It was the slightly high number that got me started on Keto but now I think it might not be an issue for me after all as A1C could be higher for other reasons beside elevated glucose levels. I would appreciate your input about that and my very low fasting insulin level of 0.8 and fasting glucose of 93.

Hi there U1191081832-
From what you shared it sounds like you have seen positive results with following Keto.
We realize there are a lot of different ways to achieve your health goals and are glad you found a plan that works for you. Make sure to also monitor your LDL cholesterol when following Keto, as well as blood sugar. Some people find that their LDL cholesterol creeps up when they increase their intake of saturated fat.

I am guessing you had your fasting insulin checked because you are concerned about insulin resistance?
Generally, insulin resistance is diagnosed by looking at a combination of things such as clinical findings, comorbid conditions (such as metabolic syndrome), plasma glucose, lipid levels, A1C AND fasting insulin. Since I don't have access to your health information I am not able to interpret your fasting insulin level. I'd suggest talking with your doctor and letting them know about your lifestyle changes. They will be able to add important context to your fasting insulin value and what it means given your unique health profile.
Here is an article you may find interesting on blood insulin tests: https://medlineplus.gov/lab-tests/insulin-in-blood/

Research has shown that achieving a healthy body weight and regular activity are both effective in managing insulin resistance. And there is some research showing that diets high in saturated fat can actually promote insulin resistance. You might find this article helpful: https://www.mynetdiary.com/saturated-fat-and-diabetes.html

I hope this helps even though I know it wasn't the answer you were hoping for.
In good health, Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

What is the egg diet?

Hi there Rasha-
The egg diet is a low-calorie fad diet for weight loss. Weight loss happens on the egg diet by restricting choices and portions. I am not sure the specifics of the diet you are referring to, though in general, egg diets limit your food choices to eggs, lean proteins, vegetables, and some fruits.
We at MyNetDiary believe there is no one-size-fits-all approach to weight loss. However, we do encourage eating a variety of whole foods, including at least 1,200 calories a day and 60g of protein.
Fad diets work because they restrict choices and limit portions. Both of these typically result in weight loss. Fad diets can be challenging to follow and do not promote healthy eating to manage weight over the long term. Here are some suggested diets to consider for weight loss: https://www.mynetdiary.com/diet-goals.html
Hope this helps! Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

My weight loss 19.4

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