50-60 Somethings - just starting! Topics

For over 50-60, new to My Net Diary - looking for support and info.

Weight Loss Progress

4 members lost no weight within last week, no weight within last month, total loss is 8.5lbs.
1 member exercised and burned together 0cals within last 24 hours.
Psbousquet succeeded with personal food calorie plan within last 24 hours.
Psbousquet exceeded personal exercise plan within last 24 hours.

Introducing myself 1 messages

Last message on 06/04/19 by Lizellie: Hi, I'm Liz and have recently joined Mynetdiary. I'm finding it quite helpful, am trying to reduce my calorie intake and increase my exercise. I'm turning 70 in November and it's kind of a last-ditch effort to get back to a healthy weight before...

16:8 Intermittent Fasting 1 messages

Last message on 05/01/19 by Mrsk.54: Hello everyone! I have 45+ pounds to lose and I'd like to do this by October 9th in time for our vacation to Spain. Not sure if it's doable or not but I'm giving it my best shot. Two of my friends have been doing the IT diet since February and...

Hello - Trying AGAIN! 2 messages

Last message on 04/27/19 by Twoshoes: Hi Pam, I also have to give up my daily coffee creamer! I have to go dairy free for a couple of weeks as part of an exclusion diet, but I can use coconut milk which I believe is quiet sweet, so I'm trying that in my morning coffee, for the rest of...

NEW! 1 messages

Last message on 04/27/19 by Twoshoes: Hi, I'm new to MyNetDiary, I turned 50 last week and have a number of long term health and pain conditions. My GP has asked me to keep a food and symptom diary and I thought this would be a good place, I also have weight to loose. A bit of support...

50-60 Somethings - just starting!. For over 50-60, new to My Net Diary - looking for support and info.