Personal Blogs 13530 total

KrissyJane 1 topics

Last message on 08/29/23: Yesterday I had a hard but good talk with someone I care deeply for. They helped me realize that I need to take care of me more and not others so much. It’s a hard thing to accept and harder to do. I’ve always been the first to take care of...

Mozjoe 3 topics

Last message on 08/29/23: Hi does anyone have success with a high protein diet

U1194950980 3 topics

Last message on 08/29/23: I’ve lost 15 lbs but I’ve been bad lately and have reached a plateau. I know that if I see that my body is a temple of the Holy Spirit and should fill it with good things I just get tempted and fall in. I know that God will help me if I just ask...

U1196345548 1 topics

Last message on 08/29/23: T1

U1195387956 1 topics

Last message on 08/28/23: Love God tallest

U1187273197 1 topics

Last message on 08/28/23: Hitting my calorie deficit so much easier with this app. Beginning my carnivorous diet Sept 1st 💪🏼

U1196606758 1 topics

Last message on 08/28/23: How many cals equal a pound?

U1196598241 1 topics

Last message on 08/28/23: Hey guys this is my first day in doing my bulking up I am 12 stone 76 kg looking to get to 100 kg in 6 months I hope I can do this never mind actually I will do this and I will be happy with my results I will try my best to update this blog...

U1196406505 1 topics

Last message on 08/28/23: Control ur eating habits and have more glass of water as u can even when u are hungry try to drink water before any meal after 40 min have some meal u will see visible results to control ur hunger and u will start weight reducing after 2 weeks...

U1196599040 1 topics

Last message on 08/28/23: Fuel