Personal Blogs 13530 total

U2009520 1 topics

Last message on 08/25/23: Veel te zwaar geworden. Elk moment om te eten grijp ik aan. Vooral snacks. Lekker vol proppen.

U1194773970 1 topics

Last message on 08/25/23: I’m setting a goal to lose 3 pounds by Monday, 9/4.

U1196516988 1 topics

Last message on 08/25/23: I am not very good with staying on diet let alone working out every day, I stay active, and I’m apart of a volley ball team, but I am still 155 lbs and last year around this time I was 115 lbs so I would like to go back to that. I had gained over...

U1195686069 1 topics

Last message on 08/25/23: Well im finding it difficult to stick to my plan i really want to eat what. Shouldn’t i never realized how much junk i ate ba ha ha ha

U1196255598 1 topics

Last message on 08/25/23: A LOSS IS A WIN IM HAPPY!!!

U1196568219 1 topics

Last message on 08/24/23: Hi im new to this weight loss journey im weighing in at 93 kgs I’ve been jump rope last 7 days and I weighed myself at 93.5 today is the day im keeping track counting my calories and exercise consistently I just skip jog and do a few sit-ups about...

Joyce 1 topics

Last message on 08/24/23: Having trouble staying on track. Food addiction came out on me. After eating wrong foods I have been feeling awful, sluggish, and disappointed in my self. So hopefully I will remember when the addiction comes back the next time and it will. ...

Maria 1 topics

Last message on 08/24/23: I started my weight loss journey today. It’s not that I’m overweight or chubby. But I always feel like I can be thinner. So instead of starving myself like I used to and faint here and there, I decided to stick with this app and try to eat...

U1196010209 1 topics

Last message on 08/24/23: I remember when I was in high school I weighed around 120lbs… I remember not being happy with that weight and striving to be around 110-115lbs.. I remember thinking this is the right weight for my age and height… I have no idea if I actually...

U1196563227 1 topics

Last message on 08/24/23: So I used to have anorexia about 2 years ago when I was 16. I was obsessed with calorie counting and ab workouts and gym videos. I was under 100 lbs when I was forced into rehab by my family. I “recovered” but I feel that recently (the past few...