Scientists and Engineers Topics

Open to all of those special obsessive people who enjoy tracking everything and performing analyses (you know who you are!). MyNetDiary helps us gather a whole bunch of useful data... that we naturally try to turn into usefull information. What analyses have you performed? This group is to help support each other and discuss individual approach to tracking, data analysis, and how you've used the data to make decisions.

Weight Loss Progress

20 members lost no weight within last week, no weight within last month, total loss is 133.1lbs.
1 member exercised and burned together 0cals within last 24 hours.
Ackattac exceeded personal exercise plan within last 24 hours.

hello all! new here 2 messages

Last message on 09/13/21 by Aleksey: i'm too

Is anyone still in this group? I see that updates and so on are 4-5 years ago 1 messages

Last message on 06/10/21 by NormanC: Based on the lack of any updates, I assume this group is dead? What happened? Did MND change something so it became impossible to do our own analyses?

Can someone tell me what format a data export from MND takes? 1 messages

Last message on 06/06/21 by NormanC: I am going to want to do my own analysis on my data unless by some miracle MND allows us to create actually useful graphs. But my experience with MFP and Fitbit is that their data exports are utterly useless. Their formats are impossible to use to...

Introduction 7 messages

Last message on 03/05/15 by BigD215: Thanks for the advice ThinkLean. Looks like you have a great program and lots of experience to back it up. I will definitely have to start transitioning to more moderate exercising since muscle and joint pain are not yet debilitating, but...

BowFlex Machine 1 messages

Last message on 01/31/15 by JimmyMc: I have purchase a Bow flex Machine and set it up in my living room in the corner today was day two of exercise and I also have a very athletic Friend coming over and coaching me through the proper methods of doing each exercise.

Checking In 1 messages

Last message on 12/30/14 by Silver_Bee: Hello everyone, I'm in "GO mode" and look forward to contributing to the team and group this year. If anyone is heading to Bisbee this October give me a shout out! This is going to be a great new year!

test topic 5 1 messages

Last message on 11/03/14 by Sergeyn: msg5

test topic 4 1 messages

Last message on 11/03/14 by Sergeyn: topic4 msg

test group 3 1 messages

Last message on 11/03/14 by Sergeyn: test group3 msg

test group 2 1 messages

Last message on 11/03/14 by Sergeyn: msg2

Scientists and Engineers. Open to all of those special obsessive people who enjoy tracking everything and performing analyses (you know who you are!). MyNetDiary helps us gather a whole bunch of useful data... that we naturally try to turn into usefull information. What analyses have you performed? This group is to help support each other and discuss individual approach to tracking, data analysis, and how you've used the data to make decisions.