All those wanting a motivation group, how are you doing today? Are you feeling excited about your weight loss journey today or is there some stress that is blocking your ability to do what you know you ought to do?

Do you have any successes to report?

Make this day a great day and celebrate your wins, no matter how big or small! We want to celebrate with you! 🍎🍒🍇🍐

Hi there! I love the idea of a motivation group. This is only my second day but it’s going well. I’m focused and determined! Have a good day. 😊

This is amazing! I’m also on day two and am excited to try this alongside gusto boxes for portion control (as of next week). Has anyone else tried gusto? How was it?

Hi ! I’m only on my first day on the app. Glad to find a lil motivation group.

First and foremost, WELCOME, all newbies!

I REstarted (did a rewind) of this app on March 1 when I bought a new weight scale.

What is a “gusto box’? I use a 9” plate divided into protein, starch, and veggie portion control. Haven’t used it for a while. You have probably already noticed that you have to weigh your foods. That is SO IMPORTANT!

It is good to be with you all on this journey!!!

I’m new to using this particular app but have been tracking and losing since October. 40 lbs down and going for 68 more.

Hi there Cee710-
Strong work on your weight loss! Losing 40# is no small feat! What tips might you offer to those just starting out on their weight loss journey? Thanks a bunch~ Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)

I’m new here!! Looking to lose about 40 pounds. Looking for friends who will go through this process with me and we can help motivate each other.

I post a new post most days called Motivation moment! in order to get discussions rolling on how we all are doing. Just FYI…

I am not real over weight
I go the gym and do a physical job
But I am try to tighten up things
I love the info I am learning
On cal pro carb
And it gets me cooked
I list to a lot of podcasts
On firmness an diet side of training
So I can help if anyone needs motivation