Community Groups 573 total

Vertical Sleeve 4 topics

I am pre op vertical sleeve and hoping to start a group here. This is a great place to track successes (and challenges) as well, supporting one another. I look forward to a new community supporting one another. 4 topics

Last message on 01/18/22 by U1187138022: Hello to everyone!! I had gastric sleeve surgery about 10 years ago and have gain all of my weight back. I know it is because of my eating habits. I am now ready to start eating right again. I just started this app and am wondering which diet plan...

Extreme Accountability? 2 topics

I don't know if this will work, but should we try an extreme accountability group? Like a group that will check what each other ate and what workout they did? Like daily? I am an introvert so I don't like workout buddies in real life and I work out at home, but I just read "How to Change" and accountability really makes a difference. So I set everything in my profile to public and I'm imagining that people are going to look at it. 2 topics

Last message on 01/12/22 by U1191476735: I’ve just started my journey…. A week in. I’m the heaviest I’ve ever been and really must do this for good. Tried many times to lose weight but just got impatient. This time I feel it’s different and I’m determined. But need to be held to account!...

Paleo or AIP 3 topics

Describe the group and its goals here. 1.Sharing tips and strategies to maintain Paleo lifestyle and loose weight 2. Community and support 3. Diet choices 3 topics

Last message on 11/29/21 by TallyN: I've noticed that when I am not AIP compliant my whole body feels weak, tired and achy. Thank you for setting up this group. I am starting tracking today and am setting up a first stage to lose 20 pounds. Meals will likely be mostly vegetables with...

Survivors of Health Bombs 1 topics

We have survived all the bombs thrown at it our health, our careers or our family life. Now we are.foinf ro tackle our diets the battle once and for all. Lets encourage and support one another to the goals we have set for ourselves!! Let's Go!!! 1 topics

Last message on 11/11/21 by Rajesh: Sodium really adds up fast and is an area of concern for me.

Younger People 1 topics

This group is for the younger people out there (20-) who are on a weight loss journey and feel alone. This is to show that you are not alone. 1 topics

Last message on 10/21/21 by Hiba;): For me, it’s to fit in cloth and not feel like people are always staring at me. I don’t know really....

Chron's disease and IBS support 1 topics

To learn and track foods to ensure proper caloric intake, and learn appropriate food choices to maintain weight and proper digestive health. 1 topics

Last message on 09/22/21 by Mcknnykak: No idea when you wrote this, am just now finding it. I have had Crohn’s for 38 years. I started having issues at 18 but was not diagnosed till I was 30. I am 56 now. Luckily I am currently in remission with the help of Stelara. But with...

Scientists and Engineers 14 topics

Open to all of those special obsessive people who enjoy tracking everything and performing analyses (you know who you are!). MyNetDiary helps us gather a whole bunch of useful data... that we naturally try to turn into usefull information. What analyses have you performed? This group is to help support each other and discuss individual approach to tracking, data analysis, and how you've used the data to make decisions. 14 topics

Last message on 09/13/21 by Aleksey: i'm too

Athletes of All Sizes 2 topics

This group is for site members who actively train and eat food to fuel their goals. There is no body shaming here, just support for others who are working to be better versions of themselves. 2 topics

Last message on 09/03/21 by BigOmz78: hello all! new here. anybody here trying to bulk up? just finished my cut 3 months ago now im trying to build muscle. been bulking now for 4 months. anybody else?

Reyes fam 1 topics

Just a dope fam watchin Cals and shi 1 topics

Last message on 08/01/21 by Carlyrey17: Mom here.

Low Carb (Not Keto) 1 topics

Help eat other with low carb balanced meals. Help other with low carb ideas Help where to find low carb items - bread, chips, wraps, ect... Help find lower fat, healthy fat, low carb ideas 1 topics

Last message on 06/22/21 by Missruthann77: I need someone help me with calculating how many carbs I can have daily and lose weight. Can anyone help me with that? Please and Thank you in advance.