Common Forum Topics
Forum helps all MyNetDiary users communicate without any boundaries and get support from MyNetDiary team.
Coffee and diet problems. 8 messages
Last message on 07/01/20 by Dietician: Thanks for the tips on tracking caffeine. I think people will really appreciate this. Best, Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)
Ask me anything!! 28 messages
Last message on 07/01/20 by Dietician: Hello Josh- Weight gain can be challenging! Hopefully you have been using the app and it has helped to identify which foods are dense in calories (like nuts and nut butters, olive oil and avocados for example). Here are a few tips to get you...
workout music 5 messages
Last message on 06/22/20 by Dietician: Catmip009, Agreed! The right music can add that extra bit of energy for the workout. I even find music makes housecleaning more bearable (and helps pass the time)! Best, Sue MyNetDiary Dietitian
Bariatric (Weight Loss) Surgery 6 messages
Last message on 06/01/20 by Dietician: Greetings U1186925909- Thanks for being a dedicated user! Are you curious to connect with someone who has had bariatric surgery? I am crossing my fingers you will find some folks to connect with on this forum! As a Dietitian who worked at a...
"Monitoring ketones: how do I know I am in ketosis?" article discussion 1 messages
Last message on 05/26/20 by Dietitian: We would love to hear from you about "Monitoring ketones: how do I know I am in ketosis?" article published at ... Thank you in advance for expressing your thoughts, questions and comments. MyNetDiary Team
"Keto Food Grade: Helping you find the best Keto foods" article discussion 1 messages
Last message on 05/26/20 by Dietitian: We would love to hear from you about "Keto Food Grade: Helping you find the best Keto foods" article published at ... Thank you in advance for expressing your thoughts, questions and comments. MyNetDiary Team
"Physical Activity" article discussion 1 messages
Last message on 05/26/20 by Dietitian: We would love to hear from you about "Physical Activity" article published at ... Thank you in advance for expressing your thoughts, questions and comments. MyNetDiary Team
"What is the Food Grade?" article discussion 1 messages
Last message on 05/26/20 by Dietitian: We would love to hear from you about "What is the Food Grade?" article published at ... Thank you in advance for expressing your thoughts, questions and comments. MyNetDiary Team
Dashboard Display 2 messages
Last message on 05/26/20 by Dietician: Hello Cbremner- Great question! In order to switch your primary and secondary nutrients to track such as net carbs you need to upgrade to premium. I hope you will consider checking out premium! Here is some more information about the different...
"The benefits of eating protein" article discussion 1 messages
Last message on 05/26/20 by Dietitian: We would love to hear from you about "The benefits of eating protein" article published at ... Thank you in advance for expressing your thoughts, questions and comments. MyNetDiary Team
Common Forum. Forum helps all MyNetDiary users communicate without any boundaries and get support from MyNetDiary team.