Common Forum Topics
Forum helps all MyNetDiary users communicate without any boundaries and get support from MyNetDiary team.
Where does the mynetdiary name come from? 3 messages
Last message on 09/28/21 by AtAltitute: That’s really cool. Thanks for letting me know!
Lost the Same 5 Pounds over and over 7 messages
Last message on 09/13/21 by U1190131458: Help I’m stuck. Staying at same weight for over a week
Bulking tips 4 messages
Last message on 08/26/21 by Redsly: Anyone doing a juice fast or have ever done one?
Weight 3 messages
Last message on 07/11/21 by Dietician: Hi April123- Sorry to hear you were in the hospital. I hope you are doing ok! Be kind to yourself during your healing and recovery. Best, Joanna (MyNetDiary Dietitian)
Been gone from app! 2 messages
Last message on 06/14/21 by Dietician: Hi Chell65- Welcome back! I'd suggest weighing 1-2/week. Although the choice is very individualized. Since you are starting back today, it makes sense to document your progress. Here's some info on intermittent fasting. Hope it helps. Best, Joanna...
Summer fun 1 messages
Last message on 06/08/21 by Brenda🖤: Remembering to eat good foods at friends cook outs😎🖤
Snacks 6 messages
Last message on 06/08/21 by TonyMontana: Thanks everyone!!
Change goal weight? 4 messages
Last message on 06/08/21 by Dietician: Hi CanadaAnne- Yes you are correct. The MyNetDiary algorithm adjusts as your weight loss adjusts. The app uses your data (age, ht, wt, gender, wt loss goal, date) to predict an average daily calorie budget for you. Through regular tracking, you...
Group Edit Food Entry Times 2 messages
Last message on 06/03/21 by Dietician: Hi Cody, Thanks for your suggestion. I will pass your request on to the developers. They are always open to improvements in the app that make it easier for users. Brenda (MyNetDiary Dietitian)
MyNetDiary Pro 2 messages
Last message on 06/03/21 by Dietician: Hi Beaming, Thanks for your question. Glad you are back into tracking! You will find a lot of new features and improvements. Can you email our support team directly so they can look into your account and help you best? You can reach them at...
Common Forum. Forum helps all MyNetDiary users communicate without any boundaries and get support from MyNetDiary team.