Losing Weight Slow and Consistently! Topics

Here we are not worried about "Time". We are are only concerned that we "Do!" lose weight and keep it "Off!"

How is everyone doing? 10 messages

Last message on 03/23/19 by RayGlasscock: I hope you got the eating schedule worked out and all is well Spower. Time for an update on how everyone is doing? Still slow going for me, still not down to 2016 weight but still dropping. Clothes are fitting better so that’s a plus, in another...

Cooking 9 messages

Last message on 08/28/18 by Jojo_Indy: Wish i could do that with fish but it dries out. Any ideas?

Newest Member 22 messages

Last message on 07/27/16 by Spower: I track "Net Carbs". It already subtracts the fiber and sugar alcohol. However, you have to add it under the tracking feature of what to monitor.

Posted my pre and post pic, finally 4 messages

Last message on 07/04/16 by Spower: I am now up on the success story page.

Today is the day! 16 messages

Last message on 04/18/16 by RayGlasscock: Brian please give us some more detail on the weights you have found to really work raising the metabolism? To be honest I have dropped nearly the first forty pounds running at least 4 days a week and tracking intake. It's getting to where the...

Losing Weight Slow and Consistently!. Here we are not worried about "Time". We are are only concerned that we "Do!" lose weight and keep it "Off!"