New to group Topic

Hi to all, new member here, also new to online diet tracking, hoping to refocus my weight management and lose 13 lbs in the next couple of months. Any jump off suggestions greatly appreciated.....thx

Hi there,
Just wanted to say hello as I joined today. I need to lose about 80 lbs and know I can do it as I have lost 70 before, but put almost all of it back on! I'm looking forward to starting my journey anew and hope to make some new friends on the way.


Hello everyone! I just joined today and so far I think I can manage working with this app. and site. LOL!

My goal, in addition to losing weight to feel better, is to reduce or possibly eliminate some of my medications. Also, the last time I went to the doctor, I was on my way to diabetes, so want to avoid that, hopefully.

I had already lost about 10 pounds before starting MyNetDiary, and hope to continue to lose about 60 pounds by the end of 2012. I aready feel quite a bit better with just that 10 pounds gone.

I really dislike exercise, but am going to make an effort (how much of an effort, I am not saying!) to walk more and maybe use the Wii, too.

Anyway, it is great to be here on this site and I hope to connect with some new weight-loss pals.

Hello, I hope the support provided here will keep me motivated. I love to eat, but realize my obsession with losing weight and the "record" that keeps playing in my head has to be removed and changed with a modern CD.

My goal is to lose 33 pounds and focus on positive thinking about being happy and satisfied with my body from this day forward.

You'd be surprised at how much evn a little exercise helps. I don't like it either but I like the results better so try to do something at least 3 days a week. Even a 1/2 hour helps.

I understand wher you are at. I had lost nearly 60 lbs butt gained back 49.... I started again when I got an iPad and found the iPad app for this... I've lost about 9 lbs and that was even with Christmas day feastimg. I know my goal is over a long period so I won't get discouraged and I'll stick with it. Still have at least 70 lbs to go, then time to see if it's possible to lose another 20 - 25 lbs, but first have to made the first goal! So I think little by little will be easier than trying to loose a bunch quickly just to end up playing "yo-yo"

My hubby and I started exercising by using the Wii fit programs. A six-minute hula-hoop session is quite rewarding. My husband actually enjoys the yoga part and does well. We've added other video games (Active, Gillian Michaels and my favorite UFC fight training (boxing, kicking, etc.). We joined a local gym because he needs gentle exercise like in the pool and I love Zumba classes! I've got another 30 lbs to go. Good luck to you!

Hi,I'm new to the group but I'll be elegible to join the 60+ group in a few months. I started on January 25th and have lost 7 lbs. I saw a nutrionist and she recommended that I drink more water. That is my daily goal now. I read that dehydration causes your metabolism to slow down so I'm hoping this helps. I need to lose another 15 lbs.

Hi - I'm new to this group too! I started with MND on 1/3 and have lost 9 lbs so far. I have at least 30 more to go. It's a slow process but I think that's ok because the weight didn't come on overnight. Good luck to you!

My daughter and I just started using this program on 4/7/2012. I find the tracking tools fun and easy to use. Helpful too. I think it's neat to know you can set a goal and have a way to achieve it. We both have tried WW and had some success but unfortunately put the weight back on. Hope this helps us to be successful. Hope others are successful as well!

New to group