Community Groups 573 total

Fasting for (Everlasting) Fat Loss 1 topics

For those who subscribe to intermittent fasting approaches such as ESE, LeanGains and The Warrior Diet. This group is limited to those determined to reduce body fat healthfully! 1 topics

Last message on 07/01/18 by LosingIT: Wow just realizing that many of these forum post are really old.

Getting fit for a holiday/vacation 2 topics

I have a special trip coming up and would like to connect with others that have a similar motivating event in their future - I'd like to lose a bit of weight and feel very strong for the holiday. 2 topics

Last message on 04/25/18 by PEFranklin: I have made a goal to do three weight/resistance workouts a week (and I do mine with a trainer in 30 minutes per day) - but what if in 10 min increments three times a week I picked up one more??? Game changer?

90 Day Challenge 19 topics

Starting today...I am taking charge. Over the next 90 days I am going to really work on what I need to do. Log every calorie, Log every workout, and work on my emotional eating. Please make your own 90 day challenge and join me on this quest for a healthier self. Please join in me in this 90 day challenge. Think of the possibilities. 19 topics

Last message on 03/18/18 by SlimmingJane: Great!

Gastric Bypass - Preparing, Beginning & Beyond 6 topics

I am currently preparing for gastric bypass surgery and looking for others that have recently undergone the process of preparation and the change of lifestyle for support. 6 topics

Last message on 02/10/18 by Doc3: Can anyone tell me there experiences after surgery? I am going to do the bypass surgery in November this year. Can anyone tell me what it is like immediately after surgery. How soon can I go back to my active life? Will I be homebound for very...

Macrofit Toolbox 1 topics

This is an exclusive group for Body Balance in Elk Grove. Here is where your numbers will be accessed by trainer Ben Madison. You can see recipes and daily logs. This new system will replace the screen shot email system. 1 topics

Last message on 02/07/18 by Tmarie1023: Hi

Generic Fitness Name 2 topics

Our goal is to give each other advice, motivation, and keep each other going when we feel ready to stop. Humor is always encouraged. :) 2 topics

Last message on 01/12/18 by Skampp: Well folks this is the third time I've tried these forums looking for accountability and encouragement, but for whatever reason it never happens. Great software, but the forums are dead. Should anyone check back, I wish you the best of luck in...

Fat loss & Healthy living support group 7 topics

I will support you if you support me. Hopefully this will be a group of humorous people that are making changes and don't mind talking about it for the good of the group. All are welcome. 7 topics

Last message on 01/07/18 by LaizyDaizy66: Anyone here?

Low-carb 2 topics

A group for people following low-carb, higher-fat plans such as paleo, Atkins, South Beach, Phinney-Volek, to share tips and strategies, successes and heartache, to cheer each other on in weight loss, health, and athletic goals. 2 topics

Last message on 11/22/17 by Parky: Hi there. I’m looking to start low carb eating and know that staying off the booze will massively help. Any other top tips would be great. I travel a lot and can’t always have control over what I eat. All advice greatly received from low carb...

After our Weight Loss Surgery and going strong 2 topics

If you have had weight loss surgery and are now on your own, this is the place to be. Whether you had the sleeve, Ruix-en-y, Bilopancreatic diversion or a lap band. we need to stick together and learn accept help and be support for each other. 2 topics

Last message on 11/12/17 by Suebk: Do you have a primary care doc? Mine still monitors the things that commonly go wrong for WLS patients, and it's been 12 years for me. I know she looks for B12 deficiency, but don't remember what else.

Elan Women's Challenge 1 topics

We are here to motivate each other to be our best selves! 1 topics

Last message on 09/12/17 by FruHansen: Hi, can I join your group?