Community Groups 573 total

Medifast dieters!!!! 2 topics

Everyone on medifast 2 topics

Last message on 01/18/17 by U2109857: Just got back on after 3 years off. Gained back plus some. Plan on loosing 3-4 lbs a week as I did last time. When I finished last time I thought it took me 15-20 years to put it on so it'll take at least 5-10 to put it back on this time. NOT! This...

Weight Journey 15 topics

My goal for this group is to have people share their journeys in the struggle to lose weight and keep it off. I want people here to share their experiences comfortably and without criticism that is not constructive. This group is also for those who want to share their wisdom and weight loss tips. Good luck in your journeys! 15 topics

Last message on 01/04/17 by Lopias: Hello everybody..good afternoon..introduce my self as 42 year old man..obese category..looking for share information..experience...honest testimoni in the journey to fat and weight loss..tq.

Coping with Diabetes 5 topics

I have recently been diagnosed with diabetes and found this site as I was looking for an easy way to log food (have to loose 20#s) - I only wish this site had a module for adding glucose readings and then being able to graph them. I am finding all that I need to know and comprehend re. changing eating habits slightly overwhelming. Maybe there are others out there dealing with the same issues? I would love any and all help simply understanding the exchange system. 5 topics

Last message on 10/11/16 by Kathleen4701: How do you deal with the anger at getting this diagnosis? It has messed up my relationships, my life and my mind. And it has only been a f... month. Plus I have had to deal with bipolar and being put into a psych hospital and then enduring 4 weeks...

Penn Rodebaugh Diabetes 1 topics

Describe the group and its goals here. To support one another for good BG control and weight loss or maintenance. 1 topics

Last message on 08/15/16 by Sartorl: Don't multitask while eating! All meals should be eaten at a kitchen or dining room table, NOT in any other room of the house, your car, or your office desk. This helps you "tune in" to what goes in your mouth.

Middle Aged Working Men Wanting to Lose Lbs 2 topics

The Middle age spread, still in the Work Force with a Daily job. Working to resolve Dietary issues, health, and Exercise. Suggestions and Motivations..... 2 topics

Last message on 08/14/16 by MikeM58: I hope this group starts back up. I'm 56, a production manager. 50-55 hour work weeks, yadda, yadda, yadda. I'm down 26 lbs over the past six weeks. Diet and 6 miles a day (per FitBit) is doing it. Please respond if yours looking for support?

JW Workout KICKstart 1 topics

Hey to all of the JWs out there on their weight loss journey! This group is so that we can get to know each other and share in an "interchange of encouragement" to help motivate each other! 1 topics

Last message on 08/11/16 by Cajartina??: Hey, welcome to my net diary, a form for Jehovah's Witnesses. I wanted to do this because there may be Jehovah's Witnesses that are using this app that we would never know and I thought it would be nice for us to be able to encourage each other and...

Flexible Dieting and Optimal Training 1 topics

For members of Flexible Dieting and Optimal Training for Women. 1 topics

Last message on 07/17/16 by Morkai: Everyone here?

Your Genetic Health 2 topics

As a nation and a global economy we have built our views of Health, Diet and Exercise on the foundation of poor science and inadequate business decisions, which has lead to very unhealthy communities in this country and around the world. Diet and Health is based on Genetics and not on the “one-thing-fits-all” dogma nonsense we are fed everyday. Mother nature has her ways of testing all species, and we have moved away from listening to what our individual genetics are telling us, genetic mismatch of food with the individual leads more than too obesity. By not consuming the foods genetically suited to “you” your body treats them like foreign invaders, and as a nation we are seeing increased symptoms of heart disease, obesity, cancer, alzheimer's and the list goes on. There is no better place to start to change the world outlook on Health and Diet than starting with yourself and your family. 2 topics

Last message on 07/11/16 by ProWino: Find the food for your genetic type and just take a walk, it will change your Life. Finding the right foods takes some time and testing, but your health and your families health is worth it.

Aussie Mates 2 topics

A group for Australians to encourage and support each other. Active leader - will respond to your messages within a day. Come and join me - I would love to meet other Melbourne members. 2 topics

Last message on 06/13/16 by Igor2005: ?

Staying on the wagon 1 topics

I'm looking for support/checking in/having fun with anyone who has a moderate amount (@ 20-40 lbs.) of weight to lose to get a seriously kick ass body and just needs help with consistency. That's me! Athletes who are in good shape but still need help getting the weight down and staying on top of diet are also of interest. 1 topics

Last message on 06/05/16 by Helena: How's it going?